A Dream Come True?

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“Oh, yeah I’ll be there Molly.” John told Molly after she asked him about out to a little gathering with Lestrade and herself.

“Great! I was also wondering, would you invite Mrs. Hudson?” Molly asked.

“Of course! I’m sure she’d love to come.” John answered.

“Alright, see you there.” Molly hung up. John felt good about this dinner. This had been a bit awkward ever since Christmas, things had been a bit weird between him and the others.

John had invited everyone over to the flat for Christmas dinner. John had even invited Harry, but she declined saying she had plans with Clara. John had mixed emotions about this at the time. He was kind of glad that they were at least talking again, but he was also a little sad that she couldn’t come. John was glad she didn’t come after all.

Everything was fine until Mrs. Hudson suggested that they go visit Sherlock, so he didn’t have to be all alone during Christmas. John and the others all thought this was a good idea, until John completely broke down in front of Sherlock’s grave. Things had been a bit awkward after that.

John dressed relatively nice, pulling on a nice shirt and his nicest pair of jeans. He didn’t want to just throw anything on, but he didn’t want to dress overly nice either. Things were already weird. He pulled on his coat and went down to invite Mrs. Hudson.

Half an hour later, everyone had arrived at the restaurant. Everyone was chatting away, but John still noticed the extra chair at the end of the table. There wasn’t one on the other end of the table, so it had to have been put there on purpose. John just shrugged it off though. He didn’t think much of it until another person sat down in the chair.

John froze.

The person was very tall. He had on a long black coat and a blue scarf. He was pale. He had black curly hair. John’s heart stopped. He couldn’t breathe. Mrs. Hudson screamed. Lestrade looked shell shocked. Molly smiled.

The man’s face grew into a smile, “Hello everyone.”

John slowly lifted his gaze so he could see the man’s face clearly. Tears rose in his eyes. He lifted his hand and rested it on Sherlock’s face. It felt real. He felt real. This couldn’t be real! It couldn’t! John slowly moved his hand away, and punched Sherlock in the face.

Sherlock fell back out of his chair only to be yanked back up by John and pulled into a tight hug. By this time, everyone in the restaurant was watching as the scene played out. John squeezed Sherlock so tightly he was sure he was going to kill him all over again, but John couldn’t let go. He was terrified if he did, Sherlock would slip away again.

“But you were dead!” John exclaimed as the tears began to fall, “I checked. You were dead! You can’t… it’s not possible!”

“John-” Sherlock began.

John pushed away from Sherlock. Fear and pain filled his eyes, forcing the tears out, “No Sherlock! You let me believe you were DEAD for over a year! Dead…” John cried.

“I’m sorry, John.” Sherlock frowned, “There was no other way. Your life was in danger! If I didn’t jump, you would have been killed. I deceived you, John, because I couldn’t watch you die!”

A new wave of tears fell from John’s eyes, “I’m sorry!” His voice cracked. He could hardly speak he was crying so hard, “I’m sorry! I just can’t!” And John ran out of the restaurant. 

Well, that was intense. 

You just read 613 words.

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