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Ladybug struggled against the chains. 

"That's not gonna do you any good, sweetie," Chat Blanc laughed.

"Don't call me that," Ladybug growled, "Don't talk to me or touch me. I hate you. You killed my partner."

"Awe, does the little bug finally love the kitty cat. Ha, you're a little late sweetheart. If you felt this way earlier, he'd still be alive," Chat Blanc smirked.

Ladybug opened her mouth then closed it. He was right. 

"Now that the alley cat is out of the way, let's continue. And this time, I'll finish what I start," He winked.

He crouched down in front of her, reaching for the zipper on her suit. Ladybug kicked his chest, sending him backwards.

"Awe, now you're standing up for yourself," He lifted himself off the ground.

"Chat's dead. The only one I'm hurting is you, Felix. And I'm okay with that," She stated.

"Oh, what a feisty bug. That only makes me want you more," He moved closer, until his nose touched hers, "And I always get what I want."

Ladybug looked down at their position and smiled, "Unfortunately having sex with an injured penis is kinda hard." 

She raised her foot and slammed it hard into his crotch. He screamed in pain and fell onto his side. She stood up and placed her foot on Chat Blanc's throat, "Call Cataclysm again."


She applied pressure, "Call cataclysm."


"You killed my partner! I will not hesitate to give you the same fate! Call cataclysm!" 

"Fine! Cataclysm!" 

She placed her chains in his hand, fighting tears as the image of her chains becoming ash reminded her of a battle. She grabbed the ring of his finger and placed it on the ground. 

As she was about to smash it, Chat Noir landed in front of her. "Milady," He smiled.

Felix, who replaced Chat Blanc after the ring was removed, smirked, "If you break my ring and cleanse the akuma. Chat Noir really will be dead." 

Ladybug gasped. 

How was she supposed to choose between her love and her freedom?


I'm fucking back and alive and probably won't update this for awhile. But here is the long awaited chapter 11. 

I swear I will try to update again before 2016 ends considering I unpublished a lot of stories and only have 10 published at the moment. 

xox Sam

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