The Video Pt2

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Man Life is not what I always dreamt it would be. No Newt. And, I'm working for the people who took him away from me.

I moved on.

Ha just kidding.

I have a boyfriend though. I still love Newt. He knows the whole Newt story. His name is Thomas. We work at WICKED together. Terrible terrible things have happened to the world.

Sun flares. Disease. It's terrible.

I get to see Newt everyday. Through a frickin screen. He's in this trial. The Maze.

The only reason I actually work for these dumb ass people is because I can see Newt and I'm safe from the world in the huge building.

Thomas told me that he will back down if Newt ever comes back. He told me to never give up on Newt and I. Even though we aren't together and he doesn't remember me.

I've had enough of watching things happen to my friends, watching them forget everything. Watching Newt try to kill himself. I'm so done. But I can't tell anyone. It's too risky.

*A few days later*

"I'm done Y/N. I can't just keep watching them die." Thomas said in the long endless halls of the wicked building.

*The next Day*

They basically dragged me into the Trial chamber. Thomas was already in there when they put me in.

They couldn't be doing this.

They are sending us into the maze.


I better remember.

Please remember.



*What seemed like minutes later but was actually 1 day and 5 hours later*

The box shook. And shook. And shook. So familiar. So darn familiar. Why couldn't I remember why it was so familiar?

I was sitting on metal in complete darkness. The few red lights outside what seemed to be a metal box flashed. Soon enough I could here a violent buzzer or alarm going off.

*Few minutes later of pure black*

The box came to a quick stop. Two flaps from the top of the box were opened blinding me with sun.

Suddenly the box began to shake again but I could tell it wasn't traveling anywhere. My eyes adjusted to the new lighting and I could now see that a teenage boy had jumped into the box next to me. Something about him gave me butterflies. Made me want to cry. But yet I had no clue why or who he even was.

"It's a girl..." He had a British accent. Holy crap it was hot. I knew that accent. That voice. I knew I knew it. But I couldn't remember how. He looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes. They were so perfect. He had blonde hair. He was muscular. Every little thing about this boy made my mind spin. I knew him. I wanted to remember. The absence in my mind was driving me crazy.

"You.. Uh... You okay?" He asked coming closer to me. I just sat looking up at him with my stomachs spinning along with my head. Not a throw-up-your-breakfast spin, a I-love-you-more-than-I-love-puppies spin. "I'm Newt." He said sitting down next to me. Then everything came back. Every little memory about this boy. I love this boy so fickin much.

"I-I'm Y/N.." I said as a few tears slipped my eyes.

"I-I know t-that name..." Newt's eyes were glossy. I could tell everything was coming back to him too.

"I-I missed yo-ou." I cried.

"Baby d-don't cry. P-Please.." Newt grabbed my hands.

"I love you.." I said so clear.

"I love you too." He responded.

Part 3??

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