Even Light Switches Won't Turn Us Off

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"Oh, morning, Frank. Didn't expect you to be up this early on a Saturday."

"Hey, Dad," I yawned, "Yeah, I like woke up and couldn't fall back asleep."

"Well, you did stay out pretty late last night."

"Oh yeah," I sighed, remembering last night's activities, "almost forgot about that."

"'d you have fun?"

"Loads," I yawned, again.

He chuckled, "Maybe you should take a nap later today."

"Maybe," I sat down at the table.

My dad looked at me and shook his head, smiling, "You seriously fell asleep in your clothes, again?"

"What?" I looked down to see I was still wearing Gerard's pink sweater and jeans, "Oh. Guess I did."

"Where'd you even get that sweater?" He chuckled.

"Gerard," I stretched, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.


I yanked out my phone to see that the devil had texted me:

You awake?

"Yeah, he gave it to me. Said it looked better on me anyway." I paused, "I got caught in the rain once and he let me borrow some clothes while mine were in the dryer."

"I see," He said quietly.

Yes, I'm awake. Couldn't fall back asleep.

"Want some scramble while I'm making it?"

"Uh, sure," I said, distracted.

That makes two of us :P

Omg you nerd <3 Anyway, what's up? You looked pretty tired yourself last night lol

Eh, pretty good. Passed out on the couch and woke up to see my pet bird dancing on top of the TV... LOL

You have a pet bird???? How did I not know this????

Well, that one day you were over, he was locked up in my studio. Prob why you didn't hear him.

My dad cleared his throat, "Want peppers in it?"

"The good kind or the ones from Walmart?"

He laughed, "The good ones."

"Then yes, please." I chuckled.

Now I want to see this bird of yours.

I wish you could, but sadly, I have a baby shower to go to. My cousin, the one you met, invited me.

Oh, cool. Later then?

Sure Frankie

My dad set the scramble in front of me, making me jump, "Thanks, man."

He laughed, "I think you mean 'Dad'."

I chuckled, "Thanks, Dad."

Hey, I gotta go eat. Ttyl

Ttyl <3

I smiled down at my phone and Dad lifted a questioning eyebrow. He continued and sat across from me, "Wanna come work at the store with me today? Your mom is visiting Grandma in the nursing home today, so I need someone to fill in for her."

"Don't see why not," I said, mouth full.

He chuckled, "I love looking at my successful offspring."

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