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I thought I'd start with something interesting ❣️🤗


Avi ➡️ Avi exits the shop with a man on the phone and a hot, grande Latte on his other hand

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Avi ➡️ Avi exits the shop with a man on the phone and a hot, grande Latte on his other hand. "Yeah, Kev, I'll be there." He said to his phone.

There you are, innocently walking to Stabucks with your all-time favorite W H I T E sweater. As soon as you reached the doors, a hot coffee met your sweater (this is why you dont wear WHITE). You screamed for both reasons— the heat that touched your skin and the damage it costed to your sweater. Behind your screaming was a simultaneous apology from Kaplan. You are just so pissed you want to smack the heck out of this 'person'. Until your eyes cleared up from your frustrated 'tears', and soon realized it's the Avriel Benjamin Kaplan you screamed at.

Your frustration lessens, and said sorry. Avi stares at you, "It's my fault, I should be sorry." You shook your head all of a sudden, "No, no, it's fine it's just a sweater." you said in your best mellow voice. Avi furrowed his brows, asking if you are okay.

You snapped out of your fantasy and nodded, "I'm fine."

"Miss, I will replace this sweatshirt. Probably with something better—"

"It's fine, really, Avi . . ."

Avi was shocked at first when he heard his very name coming from you. Then he grinned, "Who's Avi?" he managed to lie, and it made you smile. "You are." you giggled yet awkwardly. "I'll start making things up to you." Avi glanced inside Starbucks, "I will buy you coffee." And you just earned a morning with Avi Kaplan, you sneak.

Kirstie ➡️ Busy day in Starbucks and there are barely seats left in the shop

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Kirstie ➡️ Busy day in Starbucks and there are barely seats left in the shop. But it just so happens the one across from you is empty. You are on your phone– snapchatting of how good your coffee is (tea is better 😐) and probably how lucky you are to be able to have a table. Suddenly a 'stranger' appeared across from you. "Hello, is anyone sitting there?"
You immediately fixed the way you positioned yourself to your seat when you realized — it's Kirstin Taylor  Maldonado. You felt frozen, surprised, and your heart is raising. Your senpai just talked to you, like come on, you're supposed to feel that. (👀)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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