Branson here we come

Start from the beginning

"Uhh!! you jerk! Are you that heartless and I am glad I ruined you little plan to not wake me up why would you do that anyway?"

"Abigail I would shut your mouth because when you get out I have an offer for you but if your rude I guess not and because I'm your boss I can do whatever the hell I want."

I gasped I knew what he was going to ask me and I love love love loved him for it! He was going to ask me to go to Branson with him.

"Looks like you already know what Im going to ask you." I think me gasp must of gave me away.

"Yes yes yes!" I screamed getting to exited about this but o'well.

"Okay then Abigail will you clean the house and then do the dishes?"

"What!" This cant be happening I thought for sure he would ask me to go to Branson with him.

"Chill Im only kidding will you come to Branson with me I need you to accompany me. Lord only knows how many times you've told me you wanted to go in the last two weeks."

I blushed I did ask him a lot but I didn't think he was listening though but I guess he was.

"Yes I will oh I can't wait I will be the best assistant ever thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" I can't believe he asked me to go with him. I can't wait I have always wanted to go and now I can.

"That's what I was counting on because I know you hate me soo.."

"Ya ya I can't.... wait what?! did you just say you need me to be the best assistant ever why what do you want me to." Groaning I should of known there was going to be a catch behind this.

"You better not make me dump your girlfriend she hates me I'm telling you she wants to kill me."

"No she doesn't and speaking of her she can't go to Branson so I need you to be my fake girlfriend for a night or two and help me win perfect couple award so my parents see." He said and from behind the curtain I could feel him smirking.

"No fucking way am I doing that forget It!" I was actually really upset I did really want to go to Branson. He's hot and I know that but like I said I wasn't raised in a barn I'm not a gold digger.

He sighed sounding really frustrated. "Please Abigail I need this and It's only for one or two days then after I promise we can have fun together."

The way he sounded when he asked that turned my body to pure melt and I don't even like him but it made me say yes instantly.

"Thanks and Abigail nice underwear they would look good on you."

"What!" That was embarrassing because I was going to wear my pink lace. I got out once I was dressed and I started getting my stuff packed.

While I was packing he was in the other room on the phone and he was getting chewed out that's how loud the other person was on the other end of the line

"Yes sweetheart." His voice came out to sound sweet but I know him well enough already to know he's going to get pissy and yell at me.

"I know but shes going with me because you can't come to Branson because your best friend is staying with you remember?"

Well at lest he didn't call me shitty this time. "Yes, I love you and I wish it was you coming with me because you would win, your my really pretty angle and she's not even average."

His words stung even know I don't like him I didn't want him to think I was ugly. It came and I couldn't stop it my tears slowly came because I was thinking to hard into this-wait no I wasn't!

He's an ass of course he wants the pretty girls and not me but I don't even like him so why compare. My face was getting puffy and I didn't want him to see me so I locked myself in the bathroom and turned the water on so he didn't here me.

I balled for a few more minutes and when it stopped I had a headache so I cleaned my face where it didn't look so bad and went to get meds.

I saw a note on the fridge and It read..

Abigail I don't know why you are taking another shower you only stink because your you... anyway I went to the store so I can get the Stuff for Branson be back soon!

Well isn't he a bucket full of nice. While I took the pills I heard something break quickly.

I was scared and I found no weapons around me. I heard another thing break and it didn't take long to know the first thing broken was a window.

"Hello." On my part that might not of been the smartest thing I have ever done. I saw his girlfriend but we always called her "the blonde" even he dose and there dating so I guess that's normal....wait! why is she breaking stuff in our house?

Maybe shes jealous that it's me and not her living with him. She charged a me like a bull on steroids and I screamed she penned me down to the hard cold floor.

"He's mine bitch you can't have him stay away from friend's not even at my house I lied to him but you know who was at my house my other boyfriend!" laughing she shook her head like it was the funniest thing in the world to cheat on Toby.

That made me mad. I hated him but I cared about if other people were being cheated on because I have had my fare share of bad relationships in middle school.

So I wiggled out of her hold and smacked her right in that stupid boney cheek of hers. She screeched then held me down harder than the last time and while letting out a grunt.



Three ..... I was running out of breath she was punching me in my stomach and on the second really hard punch I froze and my world got slow and dizzy.

All I heard is the clock clicking maybe if she kept punching me that would be my life clock just ticking away because that's how hard she was punching me.

Never did I think moving to Toby's would cause me so much drama. Five..........before the hit came I heard the door open and I saw big foot steps and a very tall and pissed off looking man.

I was to dizzy to make out who it was but the blonde ran out and I saw my hero come to my aid and then I blacked out.


There it didn't end in sleeping just out plz don't hurt me (hides in a corner)

As of right now.....,

Rocking in my rocking chair to no hands and damn it's such a good song.

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