"I'll ask again, this time to Reigan here. How'd you know we had them?" Simon asks calmly,

"W-when we where looking for matches, they where in there with some masks" she explains,

"Fuck, I should have thought about that before I asked you to go looking into cupboards" Josh bites his lip,

"Well, too late they already know" Ethan rolls his eyes.

"Know what?" Ella asks,

"Well you see.." Harry starts,

"They're a gang" I say finishing the sentence for Harry.

"What!?" Kat says jumping a little,

"You're joking?" Jocelyn says looking at me,

"As much as I'd like to talk right now, can we go some place that's not the floor?" Catrina asks,

"Good idea, we can go to the spare lounge room" Tobi suggests walking back into the room,

"I agree, let's go" Simon says as he leads us all into this giant room with 4 giant couches that could fit up to 4 people on them 6 if you tried hard enough.

We all take our seats as Simon starts explaining,

"It all started when.."

łłł Lauren P.O.V łłł

"Is it done?" I ask as Amelia walks back behind the corner,

"Jesus Lo! You scared the shit outta me!" She scolds,

"I'm not 4 years old, we have work to do" I smile as I walk to my car, her following behind me,

"You think is really him?" Amelia asks,

"Him what?" I ask,

"This, Vikram, is he really you know" she says as she gets him,

"I believe so, he looks the same as he did 10 years ago" I smile,

"If you're sure about this, I- oh shit works calling" Amelia says as her phone activated through the Bluetooth of my car,

"Hey," she calls,

"Amelia where are you? You miss yesterday's job, I had to call in Paige ((A/N SidePacked has a glorious few seconds in my ff 😂😂)) for your shift!" He yells at Amelia,

"Chill Tye, I need to take a few days break. I'll be back though, is that ok?" She asks,

"You are my best worker, never missed a day since you started! Of course you can have some time off, I'll give you 2 weeks!" He says as he ends the call,

"I like the guy, he's funny, yet annoying. Little twat" she laughs,

"We better be going now," I say as I turn the car on,

"Where are we going again?" She asks,

"I'm dropping you off home then going to meet Catrina, I'll fill you in when I've talked to her"

"Sounds like a plan."


I pull up to a block away from the Sidemen house,

I get out and mess around on my phone texting Catrina that I'm waiting,

After 5 minutes she appears.

"How's things on your ends?" I ask putting my phone away,

"Good, the Pack just attacked but we had them sorted. They all trust me, I'll soon start the plan, just give me 1 more day and I'll put the plan into action." She grins,

"Peace will be made with war" I smirk,

"I agree, it'll be a battle or power!" She laughs,

"Then I'll have him back again, hopefully" I sigh as I think of him and I as little kids playing tag in the garden and squishing all moms flowers,

"Earth the Lo, you who NASA will be here soon" Catrina waves her hand I front of my face,

"Be quite!" I giggle as I playfully slap her hand away,

"I have to go now, remember 1 more day" she says before walking off,

"Yes.. One for day it is.."


Pigs are flying I've updated AGAIN


This is probably such a bad chapter bc it's late/early in the morning xD

02:02am to be exact rn

I need sleep,

Big time,

Night! xx

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