Chapter 107- Wo De Mimi

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sure, she's fine. She's not quite as tough as I am, but the girl recovers quickly. Why, are you worried?"

He leaned against the wall, thinking. "A little. Technically I saved her life as much as she saved mine, but I don't think it's nearly as embarrassing on my end."

I thought about the videos of it that had played on the news for weeks, and had almost as many hits on Youtube as the Rstory video that made them famous, and remembered the hilarious way Em had struggled through the water, calling Minho's name. I tried not to laugh.

"You have a point there."

"Do you think I could maybe pay her back?"

"Huh? Ummmm... maybe. Do you know the B.A.P members?"

"Not very well."

"Pity. That would kill her. Well, I guess... I can give you her phone number, and you can call her and ask..."

"I already gave her mine, but she never called me."

It was difficult to hide the grin playing its way over my lips. "Oh, did you now?" There were a million and one ways I could raise hell with just that knowledge.

"Choi Minsung, you're scaring me."

"Mission accomplished, then. But I'm warning you, she thinks you're a frog."


"A frog. Well, she doesn't really think you're a frog, but I'm willing to bet she won't drop it very easily."

"You have odd taste in friends."

"Coming from the hyung whore..."

"How much do you know?!"

I laughed maniacally for point. "I know more than you'd ever want me to, Choi Minho."

"You've been talking to Key again, haven't you?"



 Okay, I admit, it's really fun to act like a nutcase in front of my sunbaes. Especially when he's asking questions about my best friends. Minho's questions made me feel uncomfortable, so I just acted weird to get him slightly flustered. Is that cruel? That I myself had someone that said sweet things to me and smiled for me even when I knew he was having a terrible day, yet the idea of someone being even remotely interested in my friends made me squirm slightly. Especially because it was my sunbae. I mean... I knew these people. I worked with these people.

But hey, maybe I was just blowing this all way out of proportion. Maybe Minho was just being a nice guy, and was worrying about Em's well-being. After all, the girl could be a bit... much sometimes. But, then again, couldn't I? Of the five of us, the Wisconsin Girls, I was the one who was the least approachable. The one men deliberately avoided because I had a strong enough personality that could overshadow them. And in a male-dominant world, men don't generally like women that can overshadow them. 

Perhaps I am a feminist. I've never really thought about it before. But, I mean, I don't exactly fight for women's rights. I just don't understand why I should be expected to admit I'm wrong just because it's a man saying so. And believe me, the messages are subtler, but they're still there.

Okay, random tangent. Back to Em and Minho.

Em didn't actually think that Minho was a frog. But since she wasn't a SHINee fan, she wasn't holding back her usual strange behavior for him, so she said the first things that came into her head. Which was usually quite peculiar.

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