Atlantis Riptide - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Duh Duh Duh Date

After changing into my second uniform, the rest of the day I kept my head low and my hat on. Rumors of the water rescue by an employee spread, but because I wasn’t on friendly terms with any of the other workers I didn’t get the full scoop.

Which was okay with me. I knew the full scoop. Every single detail.

Gossip I could do without. Especially gossip about me. The circus workers’ whispers still scratched down my spine like the yelp of a lion being whipped.

After punching out, I shoved my wet uniform in a bag, picked up my backpack and headed out.

“Pearl.” Chase strolled next to me.

I jumped. The guy snuck up on me like he’d been waiting.

Quit being so suspicious. He was punching out. Nothing more.

His perfectly white teeth gleamed when he smiled. He wore an untucked, button-down plaid shirt rolled up at the sleeves and pressed Docker pants. No guy who looked like that ever waited for me. Not unless they wanted my autograph or the secret to my tricks.

“What?” Not friendly of me, but I didn’t want to be friends. I couldn’t afford to be friends.

“How was the rest of your day?” His smexy smile made my knees weak.

“Okay.” I walked faster, forcing my knees to hold.

He was following me again. “Anything else interesting happen to you today?”

I halted and stared. “Why?” I remembered his threat from earlier in the day and a thrill shot through me that I doused. I couldn’t get excited about being asked out because I couldn’t say yes. I had to stay strong. Independent. Alone.

“Can’t a guy make conversation, be nice? What kind of people do you hang—”

“Don’t make snap judgments.” I held up a hand. “Who I do,” or don’t, “hang out with is none of your business.”

“What if I wanted to make it my business?” He flashed another of those knee-melting smiles.

“Why? I’ve been nothing but harsh to you.” Which wasn’t like me, but I had my reasons.

“Which intrigues me all the more.” He took hold of my hand and a hot current pulsed up my arm. “You saved a boy and a sea otter.”

“You saved the sea otter.”

“You insisted.” He shrugged. “How about hanging out tomorrow?”

My jaw dropped like a fish on a hook. “Like a real date?” I’d never had one of those. No time before. No chance now. And even though he’d threatened to ask earlier, I hadn’t expected him to follow up. Most guys didn’t.

“Yeah. Like a real date.” His smile deepened and a slight dimple appeared by the side of his mouth.

I shook my head, but it moved slower than it should have, like I wanted to say yes. Which I didn’t. “Can’t. I have to work.”

My boss Karl had ordered me to clean the lagoon because it had to be drained after the boy’s near drowning. It sucked having my free day taken away, but I needed the money so I hadn’t complained.

“I thought you never made excuses.” He laughed at me as if knowing something I didn’t.

“It’s not an excuse.” I wasn’t a liar. Well, only when I had to be.

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