9 - The Park (Happy Ending)

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9:47 am

The boy went out of his home and walked to the park, wanting to enjoy of the sunny day.

10:02 am

He arrived and sat down on one of the benches. He hoped she didn't take long to arrive. He saw a young miss selling flowers. He walked to her and asked her for a red cosmos. She kindly gave it to him and he payed for it.


Marinette decided to play video games while she waited for the arranged hour to arrive. When she beated the last level, she looked at her phone to check on the hour.

10:12 am. She was late. Like she always is, actually. But this wasn't a school project with a friend. No, this was something important to her. Well, more like someone important to her. She grabbed her red purse with black polka dots and rushed downstairs, only to find her mother grabbing the picnic basket full of pastries. Marinette thanked her mother, grabbed the basket and ran to the park, which luckily was close to her house.

When she arrived, she started looking for a blonde haired boy with green eyes, wearing something green and black.

Marinette was walking towards a bench and sat down as she looked for Chat. She put the basket down. Little did she know she was sitting next to another teen.

10:17 am

He hasn't come yet. It has been five minutes since she started waiting, besides her being late. The sun was starting to make her uncomfortable, so she decided to move to another bench. When she stood up, she grabbed the basket and walked past her unnoticed companion. Then, she tripped with a rock, she closed her eyes in fear.

Marinette was about to fall flat to the ground, when she felt strong arms grab her. She opened her eyes and saw two arms holding her as one of them also holding her basket.

"Thank yo-" she said before stopping as she lifted her gaze. She was met with a shocked face accompanied with piercing green eyes. And she knew those eyes; those eyes were the ones of Adrien Agreste.


Why is she taking so long? The boy asked himself. It's been over 15 minutes and she hasn't shown up yet. And the sun was starting to become annoying. So he decided it was better to change benches, but, before he could stand up he heard a squeak coming from his left.

He saw a girl starting to fall down. He didn't think it twice and ran in front of her, grabbing both her and her basket. The only view he had was a jet black hair with pigtails. He knew he had seen those before... School? A digital image?

"Thank yo-" he heard the girl say before stopping as they met gazes. Marinette.

Adrien and Marinette were looking into each other's eyes. He didn't realize how beautiful her eyes were. Those reminded him of the sunny blue sky they were under, or the clear crystalline ocean he used to see every summer before his mother's disappearance.


Marinette didn't realize that she was being holded by her worst enemy? The only thing happening on her mind was his eyes. His grassy piercing green eyes. Those reminded her of the mint her parents use on some cakes or the wide grass field she saw with her family once she was on a trip.

Then she snapped out.

"Uh, thank you Adrien" she said, pulling away.

"No problem, Marinette" Adrien said, standing straight once again. They stood there for some seconds.

"My, uh, my basket" Marinette broke the awkward silence. Adrien raised an eyebrow and looked at his hand holding the bluenette's basket.

"Ah, right, sorry" Adrien smiled slightly and handed Marinette her basket. Marinette grabbed it.

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