6 - Meeting

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The next day was a beautiful Saturday! Marinette slept until 11 am without hesitation but abruptly woke up when she remembered she had homework to do. She quickly stood up and didn't bother about her clothes and went to her desktop and started on her homework. She was doing maths.

Some minutes later, her mother came up "You're finally awake dear. Do you want your breakfast?" Sabine asked from the door.

"Yes mom, please" Marinette responded, not lifting up her gaze from her duties.

"Alright" her mother said before closing the door behind her.

After finishing maths faster than expected, Marinette started with physics. Sabine brought her breakfast and the bluenette ate it while answering the last question of the paper. Once finished, both breakfast and homework, Marinette stretched. It was very relieving not having homework for the afternoon.

Marinette looked at her phone. "1 pm...".

She stood up from her chair and entered the bathroom to take a shower. The warmth of the water ran through her pale skin. She felt relaxed and sang a short tune as she closed the shower, making the hot water stop streaming.

Marinette went out and wrapped a towel around her torso. She dried her hair a little bit before exiting the bathroom and sitting on her chaise. She dried her body and started dressing up. Minutes later, she was lying in bed texting Alya, already changed up.

Alya: Gotta go girl, I have a date to attend to.

Marinette: Oooh 😱. Who's the boy?

Alya: Not telling you 😳

Marinette: ALYAAAAA 🙏🙏🙏

Alya: Fine! It's Nino...

Marinette: 😍 I SHIP IT

Alya: Shut up.

Marinette: 😍😍😍👫👫👫💏💏💏

Alya: Bye girl.

Marinette: Byeee.

Marinette then fell into boredom. She was staring at the ceiling, thinking. In what? Nothing at all, just thinking. The bluenette started to close her eyes, but a message made her open them instantly. She lazily picked the phone up and looked at the screen. It showed that Chat Noir had texted her.

Marinette sat up quickly and went to the chat she was having with Chat.

Chat Noir: Hey Princess, what are you doing?

Ladybug: Nothing really, you?

Chat Noir: Nothing...

Ladybug: ...

Chat Noir: ...

Ladybug: So how did you sleep?

Chat Noir: Really good. I was really tired yesterday, so I good night sleep was what I got. You? Did you sleep well?

Ladybug: Yeah...

Chat Noir: Hey... Can I ask you something?

Ladybug: Sure!

Chat Noir: I was wondering if we could see each other face to face one day...

Now that was surprising. Seeing his face? But, how could she trust him? She had never seen him in real life, what if he was someone bad?

Ladybug: Um... But how do I know we have the same age and you are not lying? Sorry if I don't trust you that much.

Chat Noir: Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Well, we can go somewhere in public where there are people and that way you will know I am not doing something bad.

Ladybug: Okay! A park is okay?

Chat Noir: Yep! But how we will recognize each other? And what park?

Ladybug: Mmmmhhh... The park in front of the Françoise Dupont college and we can use something special. I'll something red with black polka dots. You use something black with green.

Chat Noir: Alright, I get it, we are resembling our characters. Next Saturday?

Ladybug: Next Saturday. See ya there Chaton.

Chat Noir: See you there M'Lady.

Marinette's heart was beating fast. She agreed to meet with Chat next Saturday. She climbed down to her desk and started drawing the thing she would wear that day. She couldn't wait.

Also, this is fanfiction. Never agree with someone you don't know to see each other. Please, it's for your own safety.

Hating, Loving & Textingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن