Exploring Dublin

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Your pov:
I slowly waking up to see no Camila in bed but looking out the window in my shirt. I slowly get up walk behind her putting my head on her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her. "Morning." I say kissing her head. "Hi" she says quietly. "What's up?" I ask her. "Just thinking, how lucky I have you." She says turning around to me. "I'm the same with you Camila. I know we started good and had some bumps but I think us is really working. I never felt this way for anyone." I say. Camila leans in  to kiss me, I do the same. We kiss for a moment before I cup her face. " I love you." I say. "I know idiot because I feel the same." She says smiling pecking my lips again turning around to watch the sun rising.
After watching the sunrise we get dressed, went downstairs to get breakfast. While looking at the menu camila looked cute so I decided to take a photo. Click "Did you take a photo of me?" She askes raising an eyebrow. "Yes because it lasts longer." I say winking looking down. Our waitress comes over asking for our orders. We both order pancakes with Nutella, banana and strawberries. After eating  the delicious pancakes we go upstairs to grab our camera and backpacks before exploring the city of Dublin.
We decide to go to Guinness storehouse and explore there. While at the storehouse we got to try pouring our own pints of Guinness while I did mine perfect, Camila's pint on the other hand didn't go so well. She pour a little too much on top, while trying to save it with sipping it some of it gets on her sweatshirt and making her have a Guinness moustache. I couldn't stop laughing at her looking so funny. I got a smack on the arm by her, it was all fun. After that we walked to Trinity college. We walked into the the liabry which looked so beautiful. After hanging around the liabry we got hungry so we went down to temple bar to a Mexican resturant for some food.
We did some shopping until we got tired and head back to the hotel room. We ordered some room service as we were so sleepy. We watched some movies on the tv and fell asleep.

The Cafe Owner (Camila/You)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin