"I'll be just fine, and I'll be at school tomorrow, that way you won't be alone during lunch. Does that sound okay?" Her voice was so sweet. Like the sweetest strawberry you could pick.


"Ah!" She suddenly gasped. I shot up worriedly.

"What? Whats wrong??"

"You're supposed to be in school right now! Go! Go!" She tried to shove me, but I'm bigger than her so... You can tell who won that battle.

"Nah... I think I'll stay and take care of you." I said as I took off my shoes to get more comfy.

"But, Gajeel no! School is more important than me!" Levy tried.

"Oh please. Don't make me laugh. Nothing is more important than you to me. Now, scoot over so I can come lay with you." I told her. She gave a sigh of defeat and shifted over in her bed, making a space for me. I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my chest.

"Do you need anything, babe?" I asked her.

"No, I think I'm just gonna go back to sleep..." She said, slowly dozing off. She quickly fell asleep. Her blue hair fell gently on her face, she looked like an angel. Peaceful and serene. I kissed her forehead and eventually fell asleep with her.

I later woke up because I heard her dad come home. I checked my phone and it was 8 pm. I carefully got up, grabbed my stuff, and headed downstairs.

Her dad was already in the kitchen drinking. I quickly walked into the kitchen and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, making him drop the bottle of whiskey he was drinking.

"Who do you think you are! Obviously not her father! She's upstairs stairs sick and you just don't care, do you! You just go out and do whatever can make you feel better about your pathetic self! Then you come home and drink, not even bothering to check on her! What's wrong with you!?!" I exploded, I just couldn't contain my anger anymore.

"Look kid. You'd be just like me if you'd live the life I have." He glared, still in my grasp.

"I can bet I've been through a hell of a lot more! What's your deal, huh? Your wife died so you just gave up? That's not how life works! There's still part of your wife that's alive and that's Levy! Don't you see that?!" He just stared at me for a moment before he glared at me.

"Release me. Or I will call the cops." Was all he said.

"You just really don't care." I flung him against the wall before turning around, grabbing my stuff and leaving the house.

When I got home, my mom questioned where I had been. I told her I was taking care of Levy because she was sick and that I was heading to bed. 

The next day, I waited at school for Levy, yet she never showed. I messaged her asking where she was and how come she wasn't here.

She quickly replied with, "Sorry babe, I wasn't feeling well again today. But don't worry about it, my aunt is here taking care of me, I'll be just fine. Love you <3"

I understood and went on. I went to school each day just in case Levy showed up. But... Days started going by and she wasn't coming at all. It was starting to get serious.

I went to Levy's after school one day to go see her and see how she was. Her aunt was in the kitchen, making something, I don't know what. She poked her head out thinking I was Levy's dad.

"Roger?" She questioned.

"No it's Gajeel, wheres Levy?" I asked.

"Oh hi Gajeel, she's upstairs in her room." She told me.

"Thanks." I quickly made my way upstairs and went into her room. She was laying in her bed. I walked over to her and began to realize something about her. Her face looked.... Thinner.

This was going to far. I went back downstairs to go speak with her aunt. "Hey. Has Levy seen a doctor?" I asked.

"No... Every time I ask her if she wants to go she says she'll be ok." She responded.

"She needs to go to one now. I'm taking her." I swiftly turned around and went back upstairs to go get Levy. I removed her blankets which woke her up.

"Hi baby, watcha doin?" She asked, obviously still tired.

"Hi honey, I'm taking you to the doctors." I picked her up bridal style and started walking out of her room.

"No no. That's okay, I'll be fine. You can go put me back in my bed." She smiled weakly.

"No Levy. This is getting bad. You've missed lots of school and you're thinning out. Enough is enough. You're going to the doctors." I told her sternly. She said nothing to me after that and I put her in my car.

We drove to the hospital and I told them it was an emergency and she needed to see a doctor asap. They brought out a doctor and we went into an examination room.

After telling the doctor everything, he left the room for a moment and then came back. "We need to draw some blood to examine it." He prepared the needle and drew blood from a vein in Levy's arm.

"We'll call you back for an appointment when we're done with her blood work."

"Thank you." I said as the nurses came in with a wheel chair for Levy. Levy was put in the wheel chair and was wheeled out. I picked up Levy once again and put her in my car.

I took her home and put her back in her bed. Her aunt stood in the door way.

"What did the doctors say?" She asked.

"They'll call when they're done examining her blood." I explained.

"Oh.. Okay. Well head home and get some rest." She told me.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight. I don't want to leave her side." I said grabbing a blanket and sitting in the chair beside her bed.

"Alright, I'll be downstairs if you need anything. Goodnight."

"Yeah." Her aunt turned off the light and shut the door. The only thing lighting the room now was the moonlight protruding through the window.

I watched over Levy as she slept. In my mind I was praying to anything that would hear me out, praying that Levy would be okay and whatever she has wouldn't be anything serious.

I fell asleep and was later awoken by my phone violently buzzing in my pocket.

"What?" I groggily answered.

"Is This Gajeel Redfox?" They asked.


"Hello Mr. Redfox, this is Care 1 calling for Levy McGarden. We've finished her blood work and we would like you two to come in as soon as possible." The lady on the phone explained.

"Alright, thank you. We'll be there in 15 minutes." I hung up the phone and then went to wake Levy.

"Come on sweetie, we have to go back to the hospital, they know what's wrong." I picked her up from her bed and she wrapped her arms around me.

We went to the hospital and sat in a examination room until a doctor came in. "Good morning, Ms. McGarden, Mr. Redfox. We have the results from the blood work. Are you ready?"

"Yes." Levy answered as I sat back, waiting for whatever was to come from the doctors mouth.

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