The Collision

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Back outside the portal, Lucy had informed the guild members of what she saw. As the master's son, Laxus took it upon himself to make up an investigation team. He decided that it should be Natsu's team that went, along with the help of their doppelgängers and Freed.

"L... Laxus..." Freed twiddled his fingers.

"Ugh, just get on with it," he walked off, leaving Freed lost.

Edolas Lucy fist bumped with her counterpart,

"Alright, let's explore what this creepy thing is!" She picked up her Natsu and went out through the doors.

As the rest of the team began to leave, Natsu turned to Gajeel,

"You sure you don't want to come with us pal?"

"Nah, undoubtedly I'll have to show up to save your butts at some point," he laughed.

"Ok, see ya!"

The team set off and consisted of:

Team Natsu:

Edolas Lucy
Edolas Natsu
Edolas Gray
Edolas Juvia
Edolas Wendy
Edolas Romeo

"Ok, where'd ya see it Lucy?" Natsu asked as they ran.

"Over there," she pointed.

The direction was set and the pace was fast. Romeo and Wendy's legs weren't quite long enough for them to keep up, so they were at the back with offers of being carried by Happy and Carla.

"Do you think Zeref had this planned so that some of our strongest members couldn't help us?" Lucy asked to anyone with an answer.

"I wouldn't doubt it for a second," Carla had a menacing look in her eye.

The team were silent for most of the way aside from the feelings of ever-growing anger from Earthland Fairy Tail and the feeling of confusion from Edolas Fairy Tail. They didn't know of Zeref and the version they knew was one of the kindest people on the planet, who'd seemingly never made a single sin- he was the exact opposite of his Earthland counterpart. If the two were fighting, it was an angel vs devil kind of ordeal.

There was another explosion, a rain of dark droplets and a beam of light.

"What the hell?" Gray voiced everyone's thoughts and the pace picked up. Romeo and Wendy were picked up by Happy and Carla as they began to fall behind.

"I don't think we're far from it," Natsu said.

Edolas Lucy was tiring a little of carrying her florasicalasticphobiac (the name for someone with a fear of the floor) Natsu.

"I'll get that for you," Gray said to her, "I've carried our Natsu plenty of times."

"Are you sure?" She asked him, "I think I can manage."

"Nah, I've got it," he gently took Natsu from her, muttering, "This doesn't mean I like you, pyro."

Juvia, who was behind him, noticed and exclaimed, "She's a love rival too! You will never take my Gray!"

Scary Lucy turned round and laughed at her, "Me and Gray? Oh please, in what universe?"

"You say that now but..." her voice was muffled by Lucy's counterpart covering her mouth with her hand,

"Isn't it obvious that the only person I truly care about here is Natsu?"

She walked off and left Juvia standing there. When she'd gone, the blue haired girl muttered,

"I still don't trust you!"

It only took them another few minutes before they reached their destination, and what they saw wasn't exactly what they'd expected.

There was an old and tired looking Zeres, but no Zeref, or any of his dark magic for that matter.

"Oh, Natsu! My, I think I'm seeing double," he put his hand over his forehead to stop himself from passing out.

"We're dopplegangers, I'm from Earthland. It's in a different dimension," Natsu explained confusingly.

"Here, you need to sit down," Gray gave Natsu to Natsu and went over to help the old man.

"Gray?" He asked, "You're a lot more handsome than you were the last time I saw you."

Who is this creep?- Gray thought.

"Hey!" His Edolas counterpart exclaimed.

"They're not the same person Zeres," Edolas Lucy tried to tell him, "Look at me and this Lucy, (she stopped to pull her over) we're not the same person. She's a counterpart."

Zeres got up and inspected her,

"You two certainly look the same."

Lucy grinned while her mind pleaded him to go away.

"Yeah, but we're not the same," Edolas Lucy put her hands on her hips.

"That's for sure, she's too polite to be you," Zeres smiled.

Edolas Lucy agreed, laughing evilly.

"What happened here?" Gray drew the conversation back to the point.

"Well, I was just here and a man in a cape asked for the directions to the castle. After he left, a cloud of, what I can only describe as, dark magic appeared. So, I fought it, and then you all showed up."

A name lingered in the air- Zeref.

"Do you have magic, then?" Freed finally spoke up.

"Yes, the spirit of a good soul," the old man smiled, his cheeks creasing into a small, but genuine, laugh.

Lucy smiled, she knew what he meant.

"Ok, we need to go, I'm pretty sure he was talking about Zeref," Gray tried to get the team up and moving.

"Wait!" Wendy moved to the front and everyone parted for her, "What did he look like?"

"I can't say, dear. He was wearing a cape. His voice was deep, sounded like he had a cold. I should have given him some medicine..."

"Also..." Wendy whispered something to him.

"Ok, well, time shall tell what will happen," he smiled.

"We'd better be on our way, take care!" Natsu led them on to leave as Lucy thanked Zeres for his kindness.

"If only we had Erza," she said.

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