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Ms. Evans came into the parlor with the papers.
" Alright, Ms. Martinez. Just sign her and she's all yours." Melanie signed the papers and gestured for me to get my things. I didn't have much. Just my outfit i had on now, a dress for Adoption Day, and a pair of converse. Allisha had more. I usually borrowed from her. I went upstairs and stuffed my things into a plastic Kroger's bag.
" Where are you going, sloth?" A voice said. Gemini.
" Somewhere where i won't ever see you again." I told her. I bumped into her in my way back down the spiraling staircase.

We arrived at Melanie's house about 20 minutes later.
" So, let me show you around, kid." Melanie smiled at me. It was a warm smile. Like one a mother would give her child. Was I Melanie's child now?
I stared down at my scars on my arm from my depression phase. I had 4 scars on my arm.
"Okay, Mel." I said looking up.
" Okay." We got out of the car and I looked up at the large house.  It's looked mostly normal from the outside, but I knew that something was going on inside. Something amazing.
Melanie unlocked the door while i lugged my suitcase out from the trunk. I walked up to the door frame and looked inside. And there the "amazing" was. Dolls. Vintage dolls with Victorian painted faces.
"I hope your not creeped out" Melanie said.
"Nah, I'm good." And I was, I really was.

Melanie lead me to my room, which was painted a light baby blue with a peach accent wall. The bed was a regular king sized with a canopy over it. A desk adorned the left corner of the room, a mirror hanging over it. I also had a small vanity in the right corner. A bean- bag chair sat in the middle of the wall. Fairy lights hung on the wall over my bed and a painting of flowers hung over the chair.
" I hope you like it." Mel said.
" I love it. Thanks Melanie."
"Okay, get your things settled. We are going shopping." Melanie smiled as she left my room.
I sat on my bed and kicked off my sneakers. Your living with Melanie Martinez! I told my self.
I put my dress in the closest and then I let my hair down from the messy ponytail I had on.
"You ready, kid?" Melanie said, entering my room again: she wore a new wig, similar to the one in Alphabet Boy. I smiled.
"Yeah I'm ready."

We drove about 5 miles before we arrived at the Galleria. There were multiple stores inside of the giant shopping mall.
" Where do you wanna go first?" Melanie asked me.
" Hot Topic?" I suggested.
" Sure thing, kiddo." We walked across the mall to Hot Topic. There were multiple things from different fandoms. But the thing that caught my eye was the Supernatural merch. I had watched Supernatural before, at the orphanage. Sometimes i would sneak down stairs to the office and i would watch on Ms. Evans computer before her daily awaking time at 9:00.
Then I saw Mel's merchandise. I didn't know she had merch.
" Mel, you have merch?" I asked
" Yeah, just a t-shirt and my album "Crybaby"." She replied back.
" Oh ok." I looked around the store, leaving with a few bags of different outfit items. Next we went to Forever 21 and selected a few items. As we ate in the food court, I asked," Is money gonna be an issue for us?" It always says with other foster parents.
" No, not at all, sweetie." Mel said.
"Why do you ask?"
" I dunno, it always was with other people." I said.
" Well it isn't with us." She told me.

We left the mall with multiple bags from multiple stores. When we arrived back home, I went to my room to put away my new outfits. I organized my closet. It looked fuller than anything I had ever seen. Fuller than even Brianna's closet. Brianna was Ms. Evans favorite. I got in bed and quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning i saw a box on my desk. I crawled out of my bed and trudged over to the desk. There was a new iPhone. The new 7.
"No way." I said to my self quietly. The note read:
Every teen girl deserves a way to communicate with her friends. Every girl deserves her own private space. I hope you like it. You may download whatever you like, even Instagram or Snapchat. Just don't do anything inappropriate.
Love you,

What do you guys think. This definitely will not be the longest chapter in the book. If you have any suggestions for Mel or Ari, leave them in the comment section. That's all i have. Thanks for reading the latest installment of ABMM.

Until Next Time- Cass

Adopted by Melanie Martinez Where stories live. Discover now