We arrived at Starbucks and it appeared to be a place where a lot of people came I'm not much of a coffee drink I'm more of fine scotch or brandy drinker, depending on my mood at the time. Siena had asked me what I would like I looked up at the menu I notice there was 23 different types of coffee alone, I didn't have a clue which to choose as they all appeared to be very girly drinks.

"I think I may go for the espresso con panna" I looked at her I notice her big forest green eyes were looking up at me while she smiled sweetly.

"Why don't you get us a table while I'll get the drinks" I was about to talk "Don't go all cave man act on me and tell me that you should be buying the coffee cause you're the man and all" she spoke to me a little cheekily I couldn't help but smirk, she weren't a traditional type of girl.

"Ok but to let you know I was going to offer" she gave me a devilish grin which I found adorable, I walked away from her and got us a table. After short while Siena came over and placed the drinks on the table and sat down she took off her coat and looked at me with a smile, this was my opportunity to find out what I needed to know.

"So Siena why was a girl like yourself alone at the exhibition?" I was curious why such a pretty young girl would be alone; I would have thought she may have had a friend with her or possibly a boyfriend.

"I wanted to appreciate the art alone" as she spoke I heard a little sadness in her voice "Why?" I looked at her for a moment then took a sip of this foreign drink "Just you didn't come across the type of young lady I would expect to see in a place like that" I couldn't help but smirk I mean she really didn't look the type of girl you would see in places like that, she appeared to be the type of girl who would be sitting in some fine wine bar after maxing out her father credit card.

"Really? What type of girl do you think that I am?" she broke me out of my thoughts.

"I might be wrong but I would of put you more of the type who enjoys to shop and having the finer things in life" I couldn't stop admiring her I her expression looked a little hurt "but I do have the tendency to be wrong at time" I didn't know why I didn't want to see her looking upset, a small smile began to appear on her face.

"I love to shop and what makes you think that I don't enjoy the finer things?" she gave me an amused smirk; I glanced at her and notice a few things that stood out.

"Well looking at the way you are dressed from head to toe in designer clothing, of course not forgetting the $3000 handbag your carrying that would suggest to me that you like the finer things" I spoke to her a little amused as she appeared to be witty and I like that about her.

"You are very perceptive" she took a sip of her coffee concoction.

"I just have good eye for certain things sweetheart" I spoke to her flirtatiously I couldn't help myself I felt so drawn to her and I didn't know why.

"Are you flirting with me?" She asked me taking me out of my thoughts.

"Would that be a problem if I was?" I began to smirk at her as I couldn't see that she looked a little flustered "I mean you are very attractive" I spoke to her honestly I watched as her cheeks turned into light shade of pink with the blood rushing to her cheeks which made me little more attracted to her.

"No, because I like it and you are hot" she smirked at me that one little comment took me by surprise I didn't take Siena to be the forward type....Mmmm.

"Well thank you for the compliment" I took another sip of coffee it was actual not too bad I wonder why I hadn't had it before, I looked back up at Siena and smiled at her "But you are beautiful creature yourself. So tell me about yourself Siena" I wanted to know more about than she liked to shop and enjoyed the finer things I wanted to know the real Siena Russo.

At First Sight 'Prequel Of Epic Love' Klaus Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now