A Trick Of Flowers!

Start from the beginning

She felt like hitting him but instead asked him, "Why do you want me to hate you?"

"Well I was just giving you a little trailer of what I can do, if you take too much interest me. So now that you know that even if you cry your eyes out infront of me, I am not going to melt. So back off and stay away from me". He stated arrogantly with pure sarcasm and mock present in his tone.

Instead of replying him, Karishma scurried her way out of his room slamming the door shut behind him. A pained look crossed over his face as all playfulness left and he closed his eyes as a lone year emerged from the corner.

"Don't come near the fire Karishma or that fire will burn even you. I have no control over my rage when I think about all that happened to me, why do you want to face my wrath?" He mused in his head emotionally as he felt lost and defeated from his soul. He never felt that he could care about someone anymore but he didnt knew why he ended up looking after that stranger of a girl.

Knowingly and unknowingly, he started liking her strength but the other part of him hated her guts because she was once again making him feel the human emotions which he never wanted to feel again because it only reminded him of the betrayals he saw in his life and it killed the tiniest hope of recovery inside him.

The next two days passed in a blur with their first activity as well as Karishma trying to seek information out of Udit in the evening but much to her dismay, he turned more silent than ever and if he would reply her, it would either be rude or simply sarcastic. But still she didn't gave up on him because there was a tiny hope always that flickered inside her soul whenever she was with him.

It was the first day of their second activity when they all were summoned in the large and extremely beautiful garden of the premises, with their instructor as well as caretaker on either sides of them.

Feeling the fresh air on her skin, Karishma enjoyed herself whilst Udit felt suffocated with too many people standing close around him.

"So guys are you all liking the fresh morning air?" Sheena inquired in her ever so enthusiastic voice and all the students of her class, cheered excitedly. She felt warmth seeping through her veins seeing all of them accept their new life so easily but as her eyes scanned Udit's, she felt tears brimming in them. She didn't knew what happened to him but all she knew was that, he was the only one who was closed in himself and she wasn't able to do anything for him, inspite of all her efforts.

Composing herself she walked upto Udit who became alert as he heard footsteps nearing him, and then as he felt the familiar scent, he relaxed his nerves down.

"So guys today we have to start with the new activity which will increase your sense of smell. Generally, in your cases, sense of touch is expected more but I want you guys to experience the smell more. Reason one being, with this you will be able to understand your nearby surroundings more. Like, if you are in a restaurant with people who have ordered a number of dishes, but you are hesitant to ask them to serve you. So the best option in that situation is if your nose is extremely alert to recognize different scents coming from different directions then you don't have to wait for waiter or any other person, you are good enough to look out for yourself. And not just at restaurants, but at your own home, wouldn't you want to eat why you like rather than what others are giving you? You will right! So let's start on and today's first holder will be Udit". She explained in a loud voice walking forth and back between the lines but her eyes were fixated on Udit, who clenched his jaw.

Karishma prayed inwardly for him to not burst out at Sheena but she also knew that he wasn't that heartless to lash at some other girl. Her case being exceptionally different.

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