Chapter 13

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1 year later

(Harry's POV)

"You ready babe?" I asked William. I fixed my now tie and turned to him. His hair was slicked back and his piercings very prominent

"Ready" he winked. I pulled his hand out if our bedroom door through our own apartment. Edward and Stephanie got their own place and Marcel got our old place above the shop from uncle Joe

"I'm nervous for him" I smiled as we got in the car. I pushed my hair back and huffed

"I bet he's more nervous himself, he the one getting married" Will smirked. I grasped his hand and we drove off in a comfortable silence


"Harry! Oh my god Harry hold her!" Stephanie gasped and handed me her and Edwards daughter

"Hi Elsa" I cooed at my 5 month old niece. She was too busy playing with my bow tie to notice

I watched on as William helped Stephanie get Bella into her dress. I smiled at William as he tightened the dress over Bella's very small baby bump

"Guys, I'm gonna go see the guys" I called out and Stephanie shooed me off

I chuckled at them and carried my favorite baby with me to go see her daddy and uncles

"Knock knock" I said and punched the door open. Eddie was putting Marcel's eye drops in for him and he blinked them away

"Da!" Elsa pointed to Eddie and his smile brightened at the sight of her, swiftly taking her out of my arms

"How ya feeling Marce?" I patted him on the shoulder as he fixed his gelled hair, then applying his contacts

"Really nervous" he breathed

"Mate, it will be fine!" Niall chuckled and slapped Marcel's back, which only made him more nervous

"Leave him alone guys" Liam smiled and helped Marcel with his cuff links

I can't believe he's already getting married

"Hey Harry, can I talk to you?" Eddie asked and I nodded. He passed Elsa to Liam and we went into the hallway

"What's up?"

"I, I just heard this morning that Zayn and his dad died in prison. There was a bombing" Eddie whispered. I tried not to smile but Edward did anyways

"We're all completely safe now" I smiled to myself and got enveloped in a hug with my brother

"I have something else to tell you" he said. I pulled away and saw as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a box

"I'm asking Steph to marry me" he smiled. I eyes welled up with tears as I smiled at him. He has changed so much in this past year.

"I'm so proud of you" I whispered and pulled him in for another hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before both of us pulling away and wiping our tears away. It was weird for us to cry

"Show time" Niall hollered and we lightly chuckled at his enthusiasm towards his sisters wedding

I patted Ed on the back before following the boys. Liam dropped Elsa off with the girls before the five of us emerged out to the ceremony

Marcel greeted people as my eyes scanned the crowd for William, and I spotted him chatting with my mom

Niall and Liam took their seats in the front next to William. Eddie and I went to the altar with Marcel and gave him a little pep talk

"Breathe. I'm your nose, out your mouth. I know how nervous you are. I was this way with William on our day. Just breathe" I explained

"You got married 3 months ago" Marcel muttered before Eddie poked him

"Listen to him Marce, breathe" Eddie advised.

The song started and we lined up behind Marcel. Eddie and I shared the role of best man

Stephanie came down the isle, holing onto Elsa's hands to help her walk, and helping her throw flowers. It was adorable to see Elsa grow like that

Steph gave Elsa to William and stood behind where Bella would be in just a minute

Bella walked down with her dad, locking eyes with Marcel the whole time. I remember being nervous on our wedding day. It was just the gang and our parents plus his sisters. As soon as I saw him I was more than perfect

I looked over to William and winked at him before turning back. I could never explain how much I loved him. It felt like only yesterday we started to hang out, and Edward was a red zone. He and Will get along so great now. They're best friends and I couldn't ask for anything else

"I do" Marcel proudly said. He wiped a stray tear from Bella's eyes and she beamed at him

"I do" Bella cried and smiled even wider at her now husband

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Marcel Styles. Marcel, you may now kiss your bride"

I couldn't be happier for Marcel and Bella. They truly are perfect for each other and none of us would have it any other way

Everyone burst out clapping while they ran up the isle, the three of us following. Edward linked arms with Stephanie and my beautiful husband joined my side and walked with me

"Reminded me of our wedding" Will snickered. I playfully bumped his shoulder

"Me too"


"Everyone thank you so much for coming to help my beautiful Isabella and I celebrate our big day" Marcel spoke into the microphone with his arm protectively around Bella's waist

"My brother Edward would like to say something" Marce smiled and a shaking Edward took it from him as they stepped to the side

"Again, thank you to all of you for helping us celebrate!" He paused, "I'd like to say something to my beautiful girlfriend, the mother if my child, Stephanie"

Williams eyes bugged out when he realized what was going to happen, then became really excited. Liam was smiling and tearing up a little bit. Edward had to ask for Liam's permission since Stephanie still doesn't talk to her parents

"Steph, can you come here please?" Edward gulped. Steph looked a little surprised but got up with Elsa. She ran over and gave the baby to me before going to the center of the dance floor

"Stephanie I love you with everything I have. We've been together for so many years and you have made me happier than I ever have been. We had a few rocky roads and at a point I thought I was going to lose you and Elsa, but we pulled through. You and Elsa are my everything" Eddie teared up and slipped the box out of his pocket, then got down on one knee

"I love you so much baby. Will you marry me?" He asked and opened the box. Steph's hand flew to her mouth and she started to cry. She nodded like crazy and jumped into Eddies arms

Everyone started clapping loudly. I brought Elsa to them and Edward scooped her up. The gang came around and we gave them a group hug

Bella and Marcel were beaming at each other. Stephanie couldn't stop the happy tears that were flowing. I looked at William and kissed him. Niall and Liam had their girlfriends and were very happy

Everything had fallen into place the way it needed too. Eddie and Steph were finally getting married and had our wonderful Elsa. Marcel and Bella were in newlywed bliss and were expecting in 5 months. William and I were excepted by everyone and loved. I love him and he loved me and that's all that mattered

Music started to play and William grabbed my hand, leading me in a slow dance to "Still the One" by Shania Twain

"I can't believe all of this" I smiled

"It's only getting better from here" William beamed and closed the gap between us

Love, War, & DisguisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora