Chapter 1

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What the hell am I going to do?

"One month, Styles. One month" keeps repeating in my head. How do I come up with $10,000 in a month?!

I get what you're probably thinking, "what's going on?", am I right? Let me make it clear to you

My name is Edward. Edward Styles to be exact. I'm a triplet, baby of the three. People don't see me as normal. I'm covered head to toe in tattoos. I have piercing on my lips, nose, ears. and eyebrows. I'm a punk and a lot of people don't like it, but my brothers accept me for me

Along with my stereotypical look, I do drugs. Excuse me, *did* drugs. I got in with a group of men. A bad group.
Oh, trust me. I know the saying "don't associate with the wrong people". Doesn't mean I listen. But I admit it, I made a mistake with these ones. I'm not associated with some random street gang that starts fights with opposing colors.

The mafia.

I said it, you read it right. The British mafia. Lets just say the overlord has two sons. One being 8 and the other being 19 like me. His son, Zayn and I became great friends back in school. I didn't know anything about his family besides the fact that his dad worked a lot. That was until I slept over at the kids house.

I couldn't sleep on the hard fucking floor he put me on so I went into the kitchen to get some water to settle me down. On the kitchen counter were multiple bags of white powder. No I'm not a fucking idiot, I knew it was cocaine. I've done the stuff before, it's nothing new. But next to the white bags were gods gift to any addict

Needles. Heroin

My drug problem started when I was 15, after my parents moved to the states and left my brothers and I here under our grandparents care. Our parents are FBI agents and have been undercover working on a case since they left. Our grandparents passed away last year but we found a place to be

I snorted 3 out of 6bags of coke. Don't flip a bitch, they were tiny ass bags and barely had any effect on me.

Feeling the needles in my hand was like a homeless man obtaining a bar of gold. Incredible.

Before I knew it, 2 out of 4needles were gone. I was on cloud 9 in that moment. Nothing mattered. All my stress was gone. Worrying about my brothers, our home, our jobs and everything was pushed deep in the back of my mind. In the middle of my haze, I heard pounding foot steps. Those that belonged to Stephen Malik. The Mafia leader

"What the fuck do you think you're doing kid?!" He shouted, which made me fucking sky rocket out of my socks.

"I'm sorry s- sir" I stuttered. Hell, you'd be scared of him too. I didn't even know his position at that time

"Fuck! You just fucking used $10,000 worth of drugs! Those were for a fucking deal with Spain! The Spanish Ma-" he cut himself off before he said the dreaded word

"M-mafia?" I questioned and he nodded his head

"Listen kid, you owe me thousands because of this stint you pulled! My wife and kids liked you and never expected you do be some drug addict!" He shouted

Well he's one to talk...

"I-I-I" I choked, not being able to get anything out. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me right in front of his face

"10,000 by the end of the month. I don't care how you get it. Get it or you and you're brothers are getting it!" He spat and dropped me back on the floor. Stephen left and I scrambled to my feet.

After getting the glass of water I came down for in the first place, I grabbed my stuff and left before Zayn woke up. He was a close fried and knew of my drug related past but I couldn't let him find out that his close friend owes his already rich family thousands of dollars

The freezing 4 am air nipped at my skin, causing my to pull my jacket closer to me. How the hell am I going to tell them? We already have to pay rent and the tattoo parlor doesn't pay us much

Marcel is my second oldest brother. He's a nerd, but I love him. Harry is the oldest out of us. He's just... Normal. No tattoos, no piercings. Just a normal looking kid, and I love him too

We live in an apartment above the tattoo parlor that Marcel and I work at. The owner was close friends with our parents so he lets us stay there, but of course we pay rent

Before I was even close to finish thinking about how I would tell the boys, I was home. I took in a big breath of air and swallowed. I'm usually never nervous or scared but right now I am. And I have good reason too. I don't even know how the fuck Stephen knew I had brothers but he does. And because of that their life is in jeopardy too.

What am I going to do?

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