Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(Harry's POV)

I held Williams hand as he was on the phone with the cops, explaining the situation. Turns out that Zayn and his dad have been on their wanted list for a year

I left to go to the bathroom and after I decided to walk around. Just breathe.

I don't even know how to comprehend the things Edward said this morning to William and I. I've never seen him so...... nasty before.

I completely understand that he's stressed and upset about Stephanie and the baby. But, to take it out on us. He's the whole reason were living in Williams house anyways! He's the whole reason we got everything taken from us!

I don't know if I should forgive him or not. I'm so surprised at how William acted towards him. He wasn't mean at all. Kind, gentle. I don't know how he does it

As my mind wandered, my feet moved towards Stephanie's room. I saw her laying there on her bed with tubes through her arms, nose, and mouth. Eddie and Liam weren't in there so I decided to go in

I brought a chair to the side of her bed and stroked her hair. She still looked as beautiful as before

"Hey Steph" I began, "we all miss you so so much. Our place got robbed today, by Zayn. Zayn hurt you pretty bad, that's why you're in here. Turns out Eddie stole from his dad and that's what got us kicked out of our place. They're in the British mafia by the way....." I trailed not knowing what to say

"I, Eddie found out that William and I are together this morning. He didn't take it so well and he said some really mean things" I said trying to hide the cracking in my voice

I circled my thumb over her hand and took a deep breath

"You're like my sister Steph. I knew if you found out you would have been happy. I wasn't happy with Claire. I found love in Will and I know you would have new supportive" I rambled and began to cry

"And, and the baby died Steph. Zayn killed it. I'm so sorry" I sobbed and brought my hand to her stomach, circling a few times

"You didn't deserve any of this Stephanie. You deserve to have your baby and be happy. Not laying miserable in this bed. We all miss you very much. Eddie is going insane without you..." I continued to son and held her hand

"Please wake up Stephanie. Please" I choked and lost it, balling into my hands. I felt someone start to rub my back, I turned and found Edward and Liam

"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way" Eddie whispered and a tear escaped his eye. He didn't even bother to hide it. I couldn't bring myself to say anything back, I was frozen

"I'm so sorry Harry" Eddie started to cry and he leaned down to hug me. Again, I couldn't bring myself to hug him back. I pushed away and looked at Liam, how was staring at his sister

"She deserves so mush better than you. This is all your fault" I spat and walked out of the room. I continued to sob. I had to let it out. I couldn't hold it in anymore, it was killing me

As I walked towards the waiting room, I saw three figures in dark, navy blue suits. I approached my family and listened to what was being said

"They've been arrested" one of the cops said and I get so grateful. Bella grabbed my hand and drew soothing circles on it. Niall patted my back and Marcel was listening intently. William was talking to another cop on the side of the room

After they left Bella asked my what happened and I explained

"I'm happy you stood up for yourself honey" she smiled and hugged me. Niall and I got into conversation about basketball while Will was talking to Marce and Bells about something

Marcel cleared his throat and got our attention

"Bella. We've been through a lot. You're my other half, my everything" Marce choked and Bella gasped as he brought a little black box out of his pocket. All of our eyes were wide and I barely realized that Edward and Liam were standing there

"Bella Marie Horan, will you marry me?" Marcel smiled a teary smile and she nodded, throwing her arms around him. She kissed him and he slid the ring on her finger


We were all congratulating them while a nurse approached us

"Um Edward Styles and Liam Payne?" She squeaked and we all turned around


"She's awake"


I'm sorry it's so short, it's just a filler and I'm so busy with school!!

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