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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~ 

I sat beside the lake with Newt. My head was on his lap as he played with my hair. We had been here since early morning, missing the breakfast bell and instead eating snacks Newt had snuck from the kitchen. 

"I like being here with you. It's quiet. Calm." I smiled up at him as he tangled his fingers further into my hair. 

"When we get out of here, we'll live by the water like this." Newt looked at me. 

"You think we'll get out?" I nodded, leaning up so I could sit up and we would be face to face. 

"Of course we will." I leaned forward, slowly kissing him. Newt hummed into the kiss, wrapping a arm around me as I looped my arms around his neck, playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck. Newt moved his lips away from mine, peppering kisses along my jaw, my cheek, my neck. I giggled. Newt pulled away, laughing too. I leaned my forehead against his. "I wish we could have a moment like this forever." Newt hummed.

"It's like you said, when we get out we'll live by the water, and we'll have all the moments like this that we want." I smiled as he leaned forward to kiss me again. In the distance, the Box's alarm went off, making us pull apart in confusion. 

"Is that the Box?" I whispered and Newt nodded, picking me up and putting me in my wheelchair. I sighed. "I guess the moment is ruined." Newt huffed, pushing my wheelchair towards the Box. 


When we got to the Box, all of the Gladers were already waiting. 

"About time you got here, lover boy." Gally stood, glaring at us. "Where were you guys?"

"Bugger off, Gally." Newt waved his hands as he moved me to the front of the group just as the Box opened. I looked down to see only a girl on the floor. No supplies or anything. Newt looked at me, then jumped in, touching her shoulder and moving her to face the sky. "It's a girl." Newt said blankly, looking up. I studied her, taking in her black hair. She was familiar, but I couldn't place from where. Newt knelt down, grabbing something from her hand and opening it up. 

"She's the last one ever..." Newt looked up at us. "What does that mean?" Suddenly, she sat up, gasping in a breath. She looked at Newt for a second, then her eyes landed on someone beside me and I looked to see Tommy.

"Thomas." Her eyes were wide in panic as she fell back, her eyes slipping closed. All the Gladers turned to Tommy. I heard Gally grunt. 

"Someone, help me get her out. We'll take her to the Med-jack hut, see if she wakes up. Tommy, take (y/n), please. I have stuff I need to do." Tommy nodded, grabbing at my wheelchair and rolling me back as Dan jumped in to help Newt carry the girl out.

"Do you recognize her?" I asked quietly. Tommy hesitated, then shook his head. 

"Not at all."


Tommy was wheeling me around the Glade when we heard some of the Gladers yelling. Tommy turned my chair, moving towards the shouts. When we got to the group of Gladers, they all were holding their hands above their heads. Something was thrown from the tower above them. Tommy pushed us in closer. I realize the object being thrown was a rock. 

"What's happening?" Tommy stopped us in the front of the group, looking to Newt. 

"The girl, she woke up. I don't think she likes us very much." I would've laughed if a rock hadn't come sailing my way. I pushed myself onto the ground, narrowly missing the rock. The next rock hit Gally on the head. Tommy looked up, stepping forward. 

"Hey! Hey! It's me, Thomas! I'm Thomas!" The girl stopped throwing rocks and looked down. 

"Can you come up here?" Yhe girl called down. Tommy looked to Newt, and Newt nodded, so Tommy began to climb up the ladder. 


Tommy and the girl had been talking for a while. By the time Tommy was climbing down the ladder with the girl, most of the Gladers had left to go back to their jobs. Gally still stood to the sidelines, watching and waiting. When they came down, Tommy pulled the girl to us. 

"She was sent up with these." Tommy pulled out two shots filled with blue liquid. "It might be a cure for Alby." Tommy's voice was a whisper as he looked to us, hopeful. Before Newt could say anything, though, Gally came over to tell us it was time for Tommy to go in the Slammer. Tommy hid the shots behind his back as he nodded. The girl quickly took them from him, hiding them away in her pockets. 

"Don't worry, Teresa, I'll see you in the morning." Tommy said quietly, and Teresa nodded slowly, looking at us in an unsure manner. When Tommy was gone, Teresa looked at me and Newt with a frown.

Original Publish Date: October 14, 2016

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