Chapter 2

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One day, Little John received an invitation for the wedding of the love of his life. He was tired after a long day in the school and the last thing he was expecting, was that invitation. The moment he read the invitation, his heart broke. He was thinking and thinking about how he was going to live with so much pain. He did not wanted to live no more "How i am going to live if the love of my life isn't with me?" - John asked himself. The time passed and he was feeling better and better. So he think, that it would be a good idea to go to the wedding and support her.

John needed to buy a suit because he didn't have one, so he went to the store searching for the perfect suit for the wedding of the love of his life. After searching and searching he saw a white suit and think "if i cant be with her, at least I can feel like the groom". So, with his broken heart he bought the suit and he was satisfied even it was not appropriate but he thinked like that and nobody could change his mind.

After the party he got a call..

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