Chapter 3 The Next Day

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(Wow I just noticed that I do alot of back and forth from your p.o.v to Mark's)

(Mark's p.o.v)
I woke up to (y/n) in my arms. She looked so adorable when she slept. I kissed her on her forehead but light enough for her not to feel it. I wish she was mine tho. I'm not going to force her to love me if she doesn't want to, if she happens to just fall in love with me that'll be just fine by me. I should do something nice for her like make her breakfast. I slowly get up so I'm not to wake her. I walk down the stairs and find some bacon and eggs then I start cooking.

(Your p.o.v)
I'm so cold now, I was so warm before. I opened my eyes to see that mark was no longer there by my side. "Where'd he go"? I say in-between yawns. "I smell food". I get up and follow the smell. It leads me downstairs into the kitchen. "Mmm it smells so good~". "You think so"? Mark asks. "Yes it kinda makes me wanna-" I stopped before I could finish it. I was going to say kiss you. But I can't. He knows how to cook tho. 💓 "Makes you wanna what"? He asks but I'm too lost into my thoughts and I end up saying. "Kiss you". I realized that I just said that out loud. I clasp my hands over my mouth and blush really hard. "Huh what did you say"? D...did he seriously just not hear?! Oh no, he's making me stutter in my head!

(Mark's p.o.v)
"Huh what did you say"? She looked so embarrassed to the point where she could die. So I acted like I didn't hear her to make her be less embarrassed. " didn't hear me"? I start putting the breakfast on the plates. "Nope what did you say"? I turn to look at her, she quickly turns away to avoid eye contact. "N...n...nothing"! She starts fidgeting her fingers around. "Alright, well I made you some breakfast". She sits down and I put her plate down infront of her. I kiss her on the lips and she kisses back. I pick her up and sit her down on the table not breaking the kiss but knocking the breakfast off the table. I rub my hands on her inner thighs making her gasp with that I put my tongue in her mouth and move it around hers, soon she does the same. I still caress her thighs. We break the kiss for air and look at eachother with passion and lust. I take off her shirt and expose her (f/c) bra. There's a faint voice saying my name and soon it gets louder. "Mark". I seemed to be having a dream because none of it's happened, everything still seems to be in place. "Mark you have a nose bleed and your drooling". She takes a paper towel and wipes it off. I jump back and I seemed to be flustered. "S...sorry". Why is she apologizing, I should be the one to to apologize. "No I'm sorry (y/n)". I look at her and she looks down flustered, honestly she's sooo cute and perfect. I'll confess to her today, I hope I can. I'm so nervous now.... errr...

*Time skip to later on in the day because I'm bored and was in school at the time*

(Your p.o.v)
I was sitting on my couch with Mark playing some video games, taking a break from painting all the rooms that I wished to paint. "Thanks again mark". I look at him finally peeling away from being the screen. "I told you it's no problem (y/n). I love-" He stopped himself from continuing. "You love what"? I asked curious. He stayed silent and looked down blushing hard. "I...I just really love t...this game". My heart broke a bit, I was expecting him to say he loves me.... but I only just met him. "(Y....Y/n)"? "Yes"? "Can I take you somewhere tonight"? I didn't have to think my body reacted on its own because I was so happy. "Of course"! We're both smiled at eachother and played more games.

(Next chapter I haven't started with but I will soon i hope you like it and I hope you're excited with your night to come with markimoo)

Markiplier x reader, Wanting youWhere stories live. Discover now