Doomsdays wish

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The cave was silent, with the scent of frozen meat on the air, and the chill of the cold days on SnowRose's scales, and there was no breeze seeping through the boulder-covered cave door. SnowRose sat up quickly, turning her head to the old storage in the cave. She hadn't smelled meat in a while, she hadn't eaten in a month, giving all the food to her younger brother, Freeze, without her parents knowing, he didn't know he was taking her share, he just wanted to not be hungry. The scent tempted her towards the storage, and she slowly walked there against her will, she could risk the temptation of eating. She stuck her head into the storage, and there it was, the biggest cold-boar carcass she'd ever seen. "Mom? Dad? Freeze?" She called out, her voice echoing through the cave system, where their small colony of Winter Dragons lived. No answer but the sound of the elderly dragon next door, snoring loudly in his sleep. SnowRose draped the cotton cape glistening with frozen mist over her shoulders and slipped through the slightly gaped boulder door, which she shut after leaving. It made the cave colder, but let fresh air in. There were tiny dragon prints in the snow, about Freeze's size. But there was something else too, a small mark in the ground, as thin as an icicle being dragged through the snow following Freeze's steps, it wasn't his tail, the print would be much thicker, and there was... blood? It felt like SnowRose's heart was freezing with the rest of her scales, and her breath caught in her throat, she let out a roar and took to the sky, whoever took her brother couldn't have gotten far with him on foot. Then she saw them, up ahead, two crimson colored dragons flying with two silver-blue ones in tow on what appeared to be a chain. Her parents. And on the ground, a burly orange dragon pulling her little brother along, they seemed in a hurry. She let out another roar, letting the freezing winds push her wings, the dragons ahead were going slow, they weren't used to the cold of the Winter lands, especially the coldest days. The days of death freeze. She sped up, unnoticed until the dragon on the ground looked up, and did something she hadn't expected, picked up Freeze in his talons and flew at an unimaginable speed, his hot scaled leaving smoke in the air behind him, he grabbed my parent's chains as well, from the two smaller dragons, whom he obviously didn't care about, and sped away, I could never catch him! One of the crimson dragons shrieked in fear upon seeing me, and flew after the big orange dragon at the same speed, but the smallest couldn't fly that fast, and slowly began tiring as she flew at full speed, slowly dipping toward the waiting deathly snow, until finally, she crash-landed in a drift, and SnowRose followed quickly. "WHERE ARE THEY TAKING MY FAMILY!?" She roared in the face of the dragon, her claws planted firmly on the flank of the panting dragon, she could feel the heat from her scales rising in fear. "I don't know, I was going to help take them and then fly back home, I promise I don't know where their base is, please let me go!" She whined nervously, and seemed sincere. "So, what's your name?" She asked her enemy, drawing her lips back to look more fierce. "D-Doomsday..." she muttered, looking down defeatedly. "What's your last wish before I kill you?" She asked threateningly. "End the war." She said evenly, before SnowRose let her flee.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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