Chapter 26 - Ruined

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Stupid stupid ipad and it's correction system!! Sorry about the random words or misspellings it's on auto correct but I am fixing them now! :) please be patient!


I woke as the sun first touched the sky, illuminating the snow and the pack of wolves laying together sleeping. On any other day I would enjoy the view but not today, not now. I had restless sleep, if you would even consider it sleep. Dozing off only to wake up breathless from dreaming of my mate. Quickly I pushed back thoughts of her, I had to keep my head straight, to get control or I wouldn't be any help to her or my pack. 'Wake up!' I snapped through our mind linking causing my packs to almost jump to their feet. I wanted to grin but didn't, it didn't feel right to be happy without Harmony with me.

Within minutes we were moving again, with more motivation then ever before, especially since we learned we are only a few short miles from the border to where Harmony's scent leads. I wanted to run forward, rush but I couldn't, I had to hold back and keep pace with the pack. Excitement and dread whirled through me every step we made.


My eyes burned from crying, exhaustion made my body tingle, the chains felt embedded in my skin. The damn people caged me like an animal, not only in   cage but also chains, I couldn't move, my legs cramped under me and my arms tingled from lack of circulation from being tied above my head. I hung my head in defeat. 'Be strong, we are Luna, hold your head up, don't let them break you!' My wolf snapped at me, she sensed my weakness and drafted thoughts. "Easy for you to say!" I snapped at her, though I know she felt the pain to, she wasn't here! "Sorry." I mumbled back at her growling response.

The door opened and faint light streamed in along with fresh air, it was morning, I have been here over night. My stomach growled when the smell of food reached me. Only answered with a disgusting laugh from Joshua. "Someone hungry?" I lifted my head to watch him walk in, if I get out of here, I will personally kill him myself. The thought of murder made my stomach turn but not about him, he isn't a person, he's a monster. As to prove my point he sat down inches from my cage and began to eat. Bacon rolled around his disgusting mouth as he chewed and watched me intently. Eggs fell from his mouth landing on his shirt, I wanted to throw up but I wouldn't  look away, he will not beat me. He may be powerful here, but I'm alpha bloodline and mate to another alpha. The thought made me smirk.

"What are you smiling at bitch?" He growled at me. My smirk turned into a smile, knowing it ticked him off. "Just thinking Carson is going to have fun with you when he gets here, you know he is coming, nothing can stop him from getting me back!" I spat the last part at him as he stood and slung the plate at my cage causing it to break. Glass and food flew at me. I wanted to shrink back but I couldn't, my wolf wouldn't allow it. I smiled at him, "not a morning person I see." It wasn't a question it was meant as a statement, a poke to get a reaction, which it did.

He unlocked my cage while he screamed at me. "You think your mate will save you? He will fail! If he somehow gets to you.." He stopped as he reached in and unhooked my chains suddenly grinning at me, and it was the scariest moment of my life, worst then when he beat me. "If he gets here, I'll make sure he won't want you back." His voice was low, deadly, and full of venom. I went to fight back as he pulled me out of the cage causing the broke glass to pierce and dig into my skin as he drug me across the ground. Fear spilt through me, at the thought of what he could do to make my mate not want me. The thought alone made my heart break and I bit my lip to keep back tears. My biting causing my still wounded lip to bleed into my mouth. 'Carson, where are you?'


My heart was going wild, we were now on another territory and my wolf told me they had Harmony. It was the Black Tide Pack, when Mike called the neighboring packs to ask for help they were the only ones that refused to take our call. I knew it was because the new Alpha was once part of my own pack when dad was alpha but what made my stomach sick was the fact Hunter was in this pack. Yes we hate each other but we use to be friends, best friends. Surely he wouldn't take revenge this seriously, enough to risk their lives for touching my mate.

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