Meeting Bulkhead

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Your POV

You look over at your step dad "hey dad can I come see what your work is like? " you had asked.

"No sweetheart, you know my job is dangerous" he said and you sighed. You dad is special agent Fowler. You watch as he goes to his helicopter and fly off "bye dad...." You whispered. You then go to the tv and watch it then a group of men appear. They surrounded the house. You saw them and immediately texted Fowler. You then hide but a guy who called himself Silis grabs you and takes you away after knocking you out. After a while you wake up and look around. There were bots fighting the company known as M.E.C.H. One green bot breaks your chains and picks you up then takes you through a portal. You were set down and Fowler runs to you and hugs you. You hug back "hey thanks... Um?"

"Bulkheads my name" the green bulky bot said.

You nodded and smiled "{Y/N}"

"Thank you for saving my daughter " he said and bulkhead nodes.

Some how you felt like you didn't belong with fowler and you belonged with Bulkhead but you ignored that feeling.

You smiled up at bulk head as he told you about how him and the other autobots came to be on earth. You listened with interest. So cool You thought. Then after that he introduced you to the other autobots, Bumblebee, Arcee, Wheeljack, Optimus Prime, Smokescreen, Ratchet, and Ironhide. After a while you fell asleep on the couch.

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