Chapter One || Trapped

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Rosalie stared out at the water. She took a deep breath before she dived in. She opened her eyes and looked around. In almost 20 years Rosalie was still amazed by the ocean. She let herself sink lower before she stared swimming around. She broke the surface of the water and gulped in a huge breath.

The water was freezing and Rosalie could see her breath. She swam over to her boat and climbed up the ladder. She took off the goggles and set them down on the deck.

Rosalie dried herself off with a towel and wrapped up her hair. There was a time when she had been cold at the slightest breeze. But after a while she had gotten over it. Of course it was still freezing to jump in the ocean every morning at six, but it didn't matter to Rosalie anymore. Nothing really mattered anymore.

She headed down to her room under the deck and changed into a thick sweater and a pair of jeans. She was heading upstairs when she heard a faint beeping sound. She realized with a start that it was her pager.

She went back downstairs and picked it up. There was only one person who could page her. Rosalie didn't know if she wanted to see him but if he was paging her then something must have happened. She made it very clear she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

That had never stopped him from showing up before though. Every time Rosalie saw him she couldn't help herself and he didn't try to stop.

Rosalie headed on deck and started the boat, taking it to shore. Kai stood on the dock, a smirk on his face.

Rosalie hated the way her heart still fluttered when she saw him. She docked the boat and stepped onto the dock.

"Kai." She said, trying to sound neutral.

"Rosalie." He smiled, going in for a hug.

Rosalie pulled away. "Don't." She said. It was practically impossible. Every part of her wanted to touch him and she felt pain in her chest at his absence. Kai sighed. "Come on Rosalie, just one hug won't hurt you."

Rosalie was too slow as Kai came to her, and before she knew it everything had gone black.


Rosalie gasped awake and looked around. She realized her hands were tied together.

Kai was sitting in the drivers seat of the car and they were tearing down the highway at almost 100. Rosalie gripped the dash and looked at Kai like he was crazy. She realized her hands were bound to the dash as well.


Kai grinned over at her. "You're awake!"

Rosalie pulled against the ropes but she knew they would be too strong.

"What are you doing?" Rosalie asked, hating that she sounded scared.

"Don't be scared." Kai said, not looking at her. "I found us a way out of here. We can finally do all the things we wanted too. We can finish off my family. Kill the coven." Kai glanced over at her. "Get married."

Rosalie looked at him in disbelief. "Get married?" She said.

Kai looked over at her. "You obviously still want too. You still wear the ring."

Rosalie looked down at her hand where she could clearly see the ring he gave her. It was silver with two diamonds on it.

Rosalie looked away and out the window. "No. I don't."

Kai didn't reply and Rosalie looked at him to see him grinning. "Is that funny?" She demanded.

Kai snorted and shook his head. "Nope." He looked over. "You still want to get out of here?"

Rosalie didn't answer and Kai nodded, a smirk obvious on his face.

Rosalie leaned back into the chair, defeated.

Rosalie screamed and clenched her hands to her head. She had been watching Kai and Jo merge but then something had happened.

The pain stopped and Rosalie looked up to see the eclipse had passed.

She lifted herself up off the ground and saw Kai standing up and looked around. He looked angrier then she had ever seen him.

Rosalie stood up and noticed nobody else was around them. "Kai?" She questioned, reaching out for him.

Kai turned to her. "They did something to me."

"What?" Rosalie questioned.

"I don't know!" Kai growled at her.

Rosalie jumped back and tears sprang to her eyes. Kai had never yelled at her before. He never been anything but perfect and nice.

Kai's eyes were full of hatred as he grabbed her wrist and yanked her along with him.

Rosalie stumbled all before him, sniffling and trying to stop her watering eyes.

"Where are we Kai?" She asked desperately.

"I don't know." He yelled, actually turning to her yelling at her. He stared at her a few seconds before she watched him grab a large stick.

"Kai...what are you-" she was cut off but Kai pulling back and jabbing the stick into her stomach.

Rosalie gagged on the sudden presence of blood on her throat. She gaped down at the stick in her stomach.

She wanted to saw something but she just gasped. Rosalie felt herself stumble back and hit a tree. She slid down it as her knees weakened.

She grasped the stick but touching it moved it and that hurt too much.

"Kai." She sobbed.

She could feel her strength dispersing as the blood poured out around her hands.

Kai appeared in her vision and he grabbed the branch. Rosalie watched him pull it out of her stomach.

She gasped in relief before she realized the blood was now pouring out faster.

Rosalie looked at Kai desperately but he just stared at her as she died.

Rosalie jumped out of the memory when the car door open. Kai grinned at her through the door.

"We're here." He said.

Saving Rosalie || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now