Freddy wasn't on his stage.

You hammered your finger on the response option, and a high-pitched voice echoed the room. "I think it was just a mouse!"

Mouse. Right. The other voice, Freddy's voice, wasn't what you'd have expected from such a hefty bear. A deeper one would have fit better, but this Funtime version was twisted and tinged with insanity.

"...We should go give him a surprise!"

"Fuck you, Fazbear, I'm not a guy," you exclaimed before clapping your hand over your mouth. Fuck! Why did you answer that?! Pulse in your throat you went back to the console, restoring the power for at least one area. For now.

More rustling forced you to press the response again, and who you could only guess was the Bon-Bon puppet told the bear to go back to sleep. You had to press it a few times, but the silhouette of Freddy remained in front of you.

Why wasn't he leaving?!

"Oh, Bon-Bon, this is a big surprise! We have a birthday girl tonight!"

'No, no, no, go the fuck away!'

Light flashing, the silhouette disappeared... partially. The bear was gone, at least. But a glance at the stage told you you weren't in the clear yet: it remained empty.


You pressed the mascot response again, but nothing happened. Panicked, you pressed it rapidly with no success. The puppet voice was nowhere to be heard. You clutched the sides of the console, willing your heart to slow the fuck down and focus.

'Oh, bullshit!! I know what happened to people in the past! Those mascots are death suits!'

Sure enough, large and heavy hands grabbed your shoulders, and your mouth betrayed you with a squeak.

'Guess there was a mouse, after all...'

"There, there, don't be scared. It's only Freddy. I won't hurt you."




The hands on you were strong, too strong to be from a human. But they were warm. Where was the cold press of chrome?

Out of habit you tried to press the response button once more, and you heard laughter in your ear. It definitely wasn't going to work.

"Why do you look so scared? A cute little thing like you has nothing to fear...!" Funtime Freddy-if it was in fact him- spoke as though he were expecting something. A choking sound made you flinch. "Not now Bon-Bon!! I'm giving her a birthday surprise!!"

Was he... screaming at his puppet? Caught halfway between fear and curiosity you turned to peek anyways.

Funtime Freddy did, in fact, turn into a human. A well-dressed one, at that, with a bright white suit and pale purple details. His top hat clattered to the floor as he ran his hands through his hair, tugging at it in frustration.

Birthday (Yandere Funtime Freddy x Reader One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now