
"Yes," she whimpers and she's starting to notice something different about her voice. She brings her hand to her throat, wrapping her fingers around it and that's when she feels a bump protruding through the skin. "What the..." It feels like an adam's apple, but that's simply impossible—did she grow a tumor this big overnight?


Normani swallows thickly. "Shit! Lauren—Lauren, you..."

"What?" Lauren hisses, feeling dread curl tight inside of her.

"You're a boy."

She is a boy.

Lauren stands in the bathroom, staring blankly into the mirror. In the reflection, an unfamiliar, yet familiar face stares back. Her hair is shaggy and short, barely reaching her chin and framing a face with harder lines and sharper jaw, her nose looks bigger in her face, her mouth looks different, her eyes looks the same. Her neck is thicker, shoulders broad, stretching out the oversized sweatshirt she wore to bed, it doesn't look oversized on her any longer, almost looks a size too small. All her womanly soft curves are gone, replaced by lean, hard planes and muscles.

"Well," Normani says slowly from the doorway, after ages of complete, tense silence. "At least you're hot."

Lauren's head is spinning. She looks down at her hairy legs—the same legs she used yesterday on shaving baby smooth—but it's the bulge sitting uncomfortably in her underwear that makes her want to cry.

She passes Normani into the room and rolls onto the bed, pulling the covers over her face.


"Leave me alone," she moans, "I'm gonna go to sleep and when I wake up, I'll discover this is all a freakish nightmare."

Normani leaves her alone for the approximate five minutes it takes for the other three—Dinah, Ally and Camila—to burst into the room, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Alright, Mani," Dinah says, "You better not be pulling some dumb prank on me, girl."

"I was watching SpongeBob and it was getting really good," Camila says, "This better be even better."

"Why's Lauren still in bed?" Ally asks and eyes the lump on the bed.

Lauren curls tighter in the bed, squeezing her eyes shut, just waiting for this shit-show to end, because this can't be fucking happening.

Normani clears her throat. "So," she says, "Lauren woke up as a boy."

There's a beat of silence, then Dinah laughs,

"Yeah, sure!"

"I'm going back to my spongebob," Camila announces.

Suddenly the sheets are ripped off of Lauren and Lauren shoots up with an annoyed 'hey', but she realizes her mistake when sees them all staring at her with their jaws on the floor.

Dinah is the one who ripped off the sheets—offfuckingcourse—and she looks like she's about to faint. Ally traces a cross over her chest and mutters something about the devil under her breath. Camila's staring at her, looking ridiculous in her stupid minion onesie.

The silence passes and the they all explode with 'holy shits' 'what the fuck' 'how' 'when' 'do you have a dick?'—the last one is Dinah and Lauren shoots her a vicious glare, but as usual, Dinah isn't deterred. She climbs onto the bed and promptly grabs her between her legs.

Lauren's eyes widen and she squeaks at the ungentle, quite painful grab. Dinah immediately pulls her hand back as if burnt.

"Holy fuck!" she exclaims and climbs off the bed, "Holy fuck! Lauren has a penis!"

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