She Sick!!!!

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           We try to survive we did until my Girlfriend started feeling down she started coughing and I tried to help her. With the money, I went to the pharmacy to see if they have the medicine we need for the treatment. They had it I was happy but then it was too much money to afford. Tried to steal but no use there was camera everywhere and security guards everywhere. I went back to my Girlfriend. She started crying."What the Matter"I said "I'm dying" She said. "No, " I said. N, you're not dying you can't be dying I started crying. I asked for help "ANYONE CALL AN AMBULANCE PLEASE ANYONE CALL AN AMBULANCE PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!" I said. No one help, I went to the nearest store to call an ambulance. They called I went back to my girlfriend the good news. When I Go She died she died. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I said. Why, why me why does it have to be me she died great now she gone. Now She up in heaven where it all peaceful I pray for her Everyday.

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