Chapter 21//: Rebellious to the core

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[ E D I T E D ]

♕✿~♕✿~Chapter 21//: Rebellious to the core♕✿~♕✿~

Gosh, why did you think this was a good idea, Madi?

It was never a good idea. None of your ideas are good, yet you always go with your ideas anyway. Now look where that got you.

I was having this mental conversation with myself as I stood in front of the royal family, at least 6 guards surrounding me with my hands pinned behind me from a guard. My tattered sign made the polished marble floor of the throne room look messy.

It was hard to believe this mess started only a couple hours ago.

***Two hours ago***

After having lunch, I was pacing my room. I was still bothered by the fact that the ball that I was forced to plan was going to be a ball where Juliet was going to be forced into an alliance marriage.

I had an idea as to how I could possibly stop this, but it was crazy and dangerous.

Exactly how I roll.

My crazy plan? Well, sneak out of the palace and protest against this forced marriage out in the streets of Archeon.

Dangerous: check. Could possibly start a riot?: maybe. But I had to do this. It was just a gut instinct, something inside of me that was telling me I had to do this. It was morally wrong to treat royal girls as pawns in a game they never wanted to play in the first place.

I rang the bell in my room to signal to my maids that I needed their assistance. They came in about 10 seconds stat. This was the first time I had actually used that bell. I felt a little embarrassed to ring the bell because I didn't really like asking for help or getting my maids involved in something as scandalous as this.

"Miss, you called for us?" Lacy asks me politely. I nod.

"I need a piece of white cardboard. And...a wooden stick. Also some really strong glue." I knew my requests were bizarre and they could probably guess what I was up to if they thought about it for long.

Sam had a questioning look on her face, but she pushed away her curiosity and bowed to me before rushing out to get the materials I asked for. Tiffany and Lacy, after exchanging a glance at each other, quickly followed.

After the door closed, I fell down onto my bed. The mattress sunk deep and the thick sheets enveloped my body. I stared up at the plain white ceiling of the room. How long have I been here? I count back to the day I arrived and realize with a start that two weeks had already passed.

That means only three more weeks before you can leave, a voice in the back of my mind whispered.

And it means never seeing Ahren again.

I shake my head clear. Why should I even care if I see Ahren again?

A knock at my door startles me and I jump out of bed. Quickly, I rush over to the door, opening it. Sam, Tiffany, and Lacy stand there, all holding the materials I had asked for.

I smile widely. "Thank you guys very much." I take the materials from their arms. Sam raises an eyebrow and opens her mouth to ask something, but before she can I slam the door shut.

Guilt creeps up my spine but I tell myself I have to keep this a secret and do it myself.

I set the materials on my desk and they land with a thud. Sighing, I sit down in the desk chair and grab the cardboard. Ok, time to make the sign.

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