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Jacobs POV
When I beat Jasmine to the house it's been like 5 minutes so I look outside and no sine of her I call everybody downstairs to tell them and told all her friends I can't believe she's not here I know it's been like what 20 minutes I just want to hold her even though she's dating Weston and is my step sister I don't care every time she kisses me I feel a zoo in my stomach I think I don't just like her I'm in love with my own step sister I can't believe this I can't tell nobody but me and her are actually kinda dating nobody knows that though
Jasmine's POV
I woke up in a dark place or room whatever I start to move and someone says well well well you have awoken up I say who are you the person says nobody just be quiet why won't you then the lights turn on I look around and see that Jackie girl with I'm guessing who are her friends she starts laughing I say what's so funny Jackie she says that Jacob would never go out with a bitch like you I say fuck off and plus why would he I'm he's damn step sister she says yeah but so what also stop being a hoe you fucking bitch I hate you so much for taking Jacob away from me I look at her and say bitch he would never get with you she slaps me and punches me damn this girl and her friends also helped not again everything went black......

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