Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Vivek stood up and said, "Are you serious?"
"Sit down Vivek." Said Sasha trying to calm him.
"No, this is not funny Sasha! You said it was urgent! This is your urgency?"
"Yes Vivek, you were ignoring me. I thought I had hurt you, and if I have please tell me how and what can I do to make you feel better?"
Said Sasha standing up as well. She went closer to Vivek and held him by his shoulders and said, "Vivek, I'm sorry. Please?"
Vivek looked furious, he moved her hands and stepped besides and said, "Sasha, I have some work and if there is no urgency, I better go." And he was about to walk when Sasha held his hand to stop him. He turned behind and looked straight into Sasha's eyes. He was not happy.
Sasha saw his face and realized something was wrong, she slowly left his hand, "Vivek, Please don't do this! Why are you acting like a kid?"
"I am acting like a kid?! Who called me here for nothing?"
"I did not call her for nothing! I have a reason, and the reason is that I want to talk to you!"
"That is not a reason Sasha! (His voice tone got louder and ruder with each word he said) Who are you? And why does it affect you at all?"
Everything stopped for a minute. Vivek was still furious, he was not the Vivek, Sasha enjoyed talking with. He was not himself. Sasha could sense something really wrong and big and what happened next made things even worse..
"VIVEK, I DON'T KNOW! I LIKE TALKING TO YOU! AND I LIKE BEING AROUND YOU! I LIKE WHEN YOU FLIRT WITH ME! I fell in love long before, and the way it ended I had completely decided never to fall in love again. But Vivek, in past few weeks, I have experienced something that I never had. (Tears filled her eyes.) Remember you had asked me if I believe in love? I think I do Vivek, and I think because of you. Your not talking to me has made me made and made me realize that...
I'm in love with you Vivek."

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