Chapter 4

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.*Kiara’s POV*.*

As I flop down onto my bed, mind whirling from the incident in the alley, I can't help but feel like life couldn't get any worse.

"Kiara Destery Rhodes, come downstairs this instant!"

Oh god. The call of the banshee. As I roll out of bed, I hiss, stubbing my baby toe on something and grab my foot, almost falling over again so I put my foot down quickly. "Kiara! Don’t make me come up there!" Shit shit shit shit. I scuttle out from my room, racing down the stairs and run smack into a wall.

"Watch it!" I blink, looking up at the talking wall that has sleek brown hair styled neatly with not a strand gone awry. Piercing brown eyes glare down at me and I realize I must've been gawking as I’m pushed roughly away.

That's the thing with Geoffrey. He's my brother, yet he absolutely hates me. Every time I’m near he gets all squeamish like I’m some kind of rat or bug that's gonna make him sick or 'dirty'. Like the rest of my family, he has brown hair and brown eyes, slim frame with lean muscle and an aura of self-determination. Not to mention that he's an absolute control freak with a need for cleanliness and an ego about the size of Russia.

Shaking my head I scowled at him and moved away from him and through to the living room where my the banshee's were waiting, the mother banshee sat perching on the edge of a lush sofa, her long brown hair tied neatly in a pony tail with curls cascading down her back, while the other, a rather pompous looking model of a man remained sat up in the master chair. I twirled a headphone bordly, leaning against the doorframe. "You summoned me, oh great one." I said sarcastically, narrowing my eyes slightly at banshee no. 1.

Unsurprisingly, she didn't notice the sarcasm and took it as a compliment before smiling her sickly sweet smile, "Ah, so good to see you. Now, seen as though you left rather early this morning, we thought you'd like to open your presents now."

Nope nope nopedy nope! My mind screamed at me, begging me not to move an inch into that room... But as ever, the queen banshee’s demands must be met otherwise it's public humiliation. Eesh, just the thought of it is horrible.

Stepping into the room hesitantly I eye up the pile of mines, just waiting to blow up on me and suck me into the endless tirade of how I’m not a 'graceful and dignified lady with a sense of power yet submits to males.' Shaking the horrific thoughts and images from my mind I pick up a small, square package, covered in floral wrapping. Cringing, I open it carefully to reveal 3 CDs. Frowning slightly I flick through them.

One Direction, Union J... Justin Bieber? Frowning, I look over at my parents, seeing my mother looking proud as she cooed, "I thought you might like some more... civilized, music. Plus, I know a cute boy when I see one."

Cringing at the image of that harpy with a poor kid like these, I set the CD's aside, really wanting to tear them to pieces and burn them but I’d have to save that for later. I moved on to a squishy present and carefully opened it, almost instantly regretting it as some glitzy, girly shirt unrolled it's self. Instantly tossing it aside, I moved on to the next present... preparing for the worst.


3 glitzy dresses, a pair of sluttish short shorts and 4 bikini's later, I find myself staring down the last gift. Wearily, I picked it up, not even listening to what my father said but it was clear that it was something in disgust. Rolling my eyes slightly, I tore off the glitzy wrapping paper to reveal a thick, black bundle. Confused, I stood up, letting it unravel it's self only to reveal that it was in fact, a onesie. The onesie was made of thick, black fabric with bright green stripes over the back with the hood being shaped like a wolf's head, tail and ears included. Grinning, I turned it around to see a note hanging from the wolf's jaws. Tugging it out, I read it.

                                                 To our little devil,              

                      We figured you'd want something less glitzy so we got this,

                                   Hopefully, it'll piss off your parents ;)

                                          -Lots of love, Billy + Dina

Shaking my head slightly, I smiled and carefully folded the onesie and walked out of the room. Rolling my eyes slightly when my mother's preppy voice piped up, "Kiara, what shall we do with your presents?"

Snorting slightly, I paused at the top of the stairs before calling over my shoulder, "Burn them for all I care!" and with that, I went to my room, locked the door and turned up my music.

Realizing what I’d said, I clapped a hand over my mouth just as footsteps thundered up the hallway. I squeaked and grabbed a bag I kept prepared incase I needed to run to Lauren's and stuffed the onesie inside just as someone bashed on my door, "If you don't come out here right now and be grateful for your presents, Lupus help me I will come in there and throw all your posters away!"

Oh gosh I'd got it bad. I hurriedly grabbed as many posters as I could before running for the open window as my door flew open, crashing against the wall and unleashing the fury that was my father. Yelping, I bolted for the window, leaping through just as he reached out to grab me.

I landed on the floor with a thud, rolling to break the impact of jumping from a third story window. I glanced up to see a blur of brown hair as he spun from the window and took not time in rolling to my feet and racing down the street, heart pounding and ankles aching.

I heard someone yelling at me but didn't even look back as I raced around the corner and took a shortcut through some alleyways till I finally arrived at Lauren's house.

Relief shot through me as I saw no sign of my parents... that was until a sleek lack car pulled down the street and I could feel my stomach fleeing for china.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I ran across the road, leaping over the car bonnet before crashing through Lauren's front door and whipped round to slam it shut and flicked all the locks, even going so far as to pull a table in front of it before sliding down a wall to catch my breath.

I closed my eyes just as a chilling voice spoke out from nearby.

"Ah, I thought I’d find you here."


And finally, I’ve managed to update o-o

Hope it's alright, though it may be a bit short... eh...

Anyways, any ideas on who it could be? Comment if you think you know!

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