"We'll meet you there mum" standing Reggie nodded to Albie who stood by the door "I'll take Freya home to change" walking to my side Reggie held his hand out which I took pretending not to notice the look of delight violet showed when she looked between us while Ronnie stayed silent during the whole exchange.


The restaurant was very nice and I was glad my mother had insisted I take my nice evening dress. Violet was practically beaming with pride as she gazed around the lovely restaurant and I could practically hear how proud she was of her two boys who had managed to make it in a tough world.

"so why London then Freya" Reggie spoke as our meals had arrived, despite me insisting I was perfectly fine with a tender chicken salad Violet had insisted I get something more filling. The waiter topped uo my wine and gave me a kind smile in response as I thanked him

"I've always loved London, my mother and father would take me here when I was little and I fell in love with the place"

"What does your father work as again luv?" Violet enquired as she bit into her dinner

"He's a minister Violet"

"A minister?" Ronnie eyebrows raised as he examined me "how was your upbringing?"

Smiling softly "my father isn't a harsh man so he never enforced his beliefs on me but naturally I believe in god and the bible as I am catholic. Of course when it came to my teenage years dating was rather difficult as my parents were very wary of me being in a relationship"

"And were you ever in a long relationship?" Reggie enquired and I tried to ignore the look of delight which was spread across Violets face as she looked between us.

"No, I wasn't interested in dating so I just never did it. I was asked out on dates but they always wanted marriage and babies I don't want that life, I was raised a worker so I'll work"

Under the heated gaze of both twins was rather intimidating, a rather nasty thought came to mind of how their victims must have felt under rather unpleasant circumstances. They were both large and intimidating, even something so simple as a simple look could have your mind racing thinking you might have said or done something wrong. As intimidating as the twins were I could defiantly see how charming they were, even Ronnie who had seemed so scary to me was rather funny once you got to know him. The evening passed and I fought off a yawn as I saw the clock on the wall show me it was nearly 11:00. As a precaution I had asked two of the girls to stay up and let me in as to not wake up our door monitor.

"Ron, why don't you take mum home and I'll stay in the car with Freya to make sure she gets home alright"

Ronnie's nose and mouth twitched as he seemed...unhappy? About that idea but he nodded and followed Violet to the car who was already talking to Albie "it's late, and I'd rather make sure you got in alright"

"Do you think I'm a damsel Mr. Kray?" I smirked as I slightly tilted my head, the notion dawned on me I was actually flirting with this man but I was relieved and felt my chest tighten in glee as he chuckled softly

"I've got no doubt you could handle yourself luv, but humor a man? I'd sleep a lot better tonight knowing you got home safe and sound"

Nodding we walked to the car and drove away from the closing restaurant. Me and Violet sat close together in the car as the twins large frames sat opposite us talking quietly among themselves.

"I told you he likes you" turning my attention from the night sky where you couldn't see a single star, to Violet who leaned in close "they both do"

I just smiled in return with a shake of my head. We had arrived at Bethnal green and I watched as Ronnie helped Violet out of the car, even though Ronnie and Reggie lived away from home and in some rather nice apartments it seemed they did occasional come back home to their mother.

"It was nice to meet you Miss Matthews I do hope we see each other again soon"

"You too Mr. Kray. I hope so too"

He smiled softly and closed the door leaving just me and Reggie now alone in the car. I had moved so I was now sitting next to Reggie. Thankfully I had filled the silence with talk of his brothers

"So I haven't met Charlie, is he in the same business with you and Ronnie?"

"Not so much as involved, he helps with the books but not like me and Ron" he eyed outside the car as we drove down the slightly busy streets with still open clubs including the one me and my girlfriends and visited

"I like your club"

He smiled "yeah? You seemed to enjoy yourself the other night, didn't realize you sang like that"

I chuckled and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ears "yeah I don't usually, I've only really sung in the choir or by myself in my room"

"You've got a lovely voice"

Muttering a thank you I noticed we were now at my home, I could see my bedroom curtains twitch and sighed thankfully my friend was still up

"Thank you for tonight Mr. Kray" Albie opened my door and helped me out "Thanks Albie"

"You take care now love" he smiled softly, jumping slightly I didn't realize Reggie had also got out of the car and was now at my side. Gently taking my elbow Reggie walked me so we were now standing by the door

"Are you free Saturday night?" he enquired and I felt my heart race and my face blush


"How about you and me go out then, dinner and then maybe go to my pub it's a bit more quiet then the club"

The front door opened and I saw Molly shifting her gaze between me and Reggie but he didn't take his eyes from me as he still waited for my response. Nodding my head he smiled and bid me a goodnight before giving my wide eyed friend a quick nod. I was quickly ushered in and ran upstairs being as quiet as possible. There would be hell to pay if we were found out.

Promising my friend who was still in shock I had dinner with the Kray brothers and mother I promised her I would let her know tomorrow how it went and to give her any information she required as I was very tired. Just as I got into bed the sudden thought crashed on me like cold water

I had a date with Reggie Kray.

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