a perfect problem

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Barry ran to where he was keeping Eobard Thawne with a sandwich in his hand. He opened the door and was faced with the glass cage that he was being kept in. He was just standing there smirking "have you met your pregnant wife yet?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"what's It gotta do with you in not going to let you get anywhere near her and our baby" Barry snapped

"all in good time Mr.Allen so tell me what do you remember about your old life?" He spat

"why what do you know?" Barry asked

"you will find soon enough" thawne laughed Barry shook his head and ran home.

Caitlin was laid on the sofa singing to her baby bump she had a bowl of ice cream sat on it and she would every once in a while take a bite of it.

"I know you think I'm beautiful and all but you don't have to stare" Caitlin jokes

"You're my wife, I'm aloud to," Barry replied with a smile then walked over to her and knelt down in front of her.

"you ok?" Barry asked and cupped her cheek

"I'm fine Barry I am 9 months pregnant not a china doll" Caitlin smiled

"I know its just I want both of my girls safe"

Caitlin sighed "we are barry I promise" caitlin sat up and patted the space next to her barry sat in it she rested her head on his shoulder.

"What's bothering you?" Caitlin whispered

"Nothing i'm just excited about the baby" barry lied

"Barry I'm your wife I know when you're lying so what's really up? '' Caitlin asked then ran her fingers through his hair.

"Ok this is going to be hard to understand... it's easier if i show you" barry stated standing up.

"What food are you currently craving?" Barry asked

"Uum onion rings" caitlin admitted

"From that place near a big belly burger?" Barry asked

Caitlin nodded, Barry smirked and flashed off then returned with a bag of onion rings.

Caitlin sat there with her jaw dropped "your the flash?" Caitlin said in disbelief

"Technically no. This is going to be hard to understand so i will just say it straight forward. Ok so in the timeline i'm from i created this timeline BTWs the reverse flash killed my mother and 12 years later I was stuck by lighting I was in a coma for 9 months and woke up with super speed that's when I met you in the other timeline you were sort of like my doctor and one of my bestfriends so anyway we hunted down evil meta humans until one day we came across a new speedster the reverse flash he died in a way that I can't explain then we met this new bad guy zoom has completely nuts by the way and he fell in love with you but you didn't love him back so he got angry and soon enough he killed my father to make me act like him but it didn't work. I didn't become like him no matter how much revenge I wanted and we defeated him and after my dad's funeral I just couldn't take it so I ran back in time and stopped the reverse flash from ever killing my mother which created this timeline. so it's sort of like I have 2 lives both very different" barry explained

Caitlin looked like she had just seen Santa eating after noon tea with a unicorn and a Smurf.

"ok in this other life of yours we are not together not married and I'm not pregnant we are just good friends" caitlin breathed

Barry rubbed the back of his neck meaning she was right and he didn't want to admit it.

"Answer me two things and i will let the hole subject go" caitlin muttered
Barry nodded "do you like that life better and do you miss it?" She asked

"No! of course not i love you and ebony and our life there is no way i would ever change it" barry admitted

"Ok but I don't want you going out there we already have a flash and he can handle himself" caitlin argued

"you really think i would leave my 9 month pregnat wife alone when she could have my baby at any moment?" barry joked

Caitlin blushed then placed her head back on barrys shoulder barry looked at her then started to lose his memories of that night they spent at the bar this worried him alot but he could not tell caitlin stress was her biggest enemy at this point.

Barry let her fall asleep on him then he carefully claimed of the sofa and flashed to where he was keeping the reverse flash.

When he got there eobard thawne was grinning at him "I take it you have started to lose your old memories" he laughed creepily.

"How do i make it stop!" Barry snapped

"There is no stopping it. You have to reset the time line or soon you will forget everything about both lifes and your wife and child will just be ghosts from your past" he laughed as he was enjoying it.

Barry shook his head "I will find a way that Caitlin and baby Ebony are the best things that ever happened to me and I'm not going to lose them!" Barry shouted then ran away.

A better life? The flash (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now