"I'm very confused. How can I hear you if you're dead?" I ask, looking around. The voice laughs. It's a nice laugh, a contagious and a cute one. I chuckle a bit, but soon stop when the voice does.

"Because I've been haunting you." He says. My eyes widen in shock and the voice laughs again. "No, it's not a bad thing. It's not one of those horror movie hauntings. It's a more... Friendly haunting."

This still doesn't help my worry, but I decide not to question further in fear of angering the ghost. I have so many questions. Why is he haunting me? How is this real? When did this begin and how did I not notice? Could I have noticed? And finally... Who is he? His voice doesn't sound familiar in the slightest, so how would he know me?

"Who are you?" I suddenly ask. I suddenly feel wind blow from the left, leading towards the right. I turn my head to the right, watching as a book on the coffee table opens to a page. The page isn't what's important though. No... It's the folded paper that's inside.

"Go read the paper and find out." The voice says, quiet. I walk over to the book slowly, hesitantly picking up the paper. I unfold it, looking at it with wide eyes. It's a newspaper article... From eleven months ago. It's talking about a car crash. One that I remember, cause I was there. I flashback to that day.

I was walking downtown, just minding my business and walking on the sidewalk. I heard brakes screech and I turned, watching as a car turned, trying to avoid a large object in the street. However it didn't. Instead the side of the car hit the object, sending the car rolling down the street. Eventually it stopped, landing upside down as the car caught on fire.

I immediately ran over while others just stood and gawked. I ran over to the drivers side and pulled open the door, looking in. A man was sitting in the car and it was only him. He honestly looked kind of cute, but he was bleeding heavily and was unconscious. I tried waking him up, only to fail. So I tried to unbuckle the seatbelt, but it was jammed.

I continued trying to get him out, but I couldn't. I couldn't for the life of me, or him. Soon someone ran over, grabbed my shoulder and told me that there was nothing I could do. The person who grabbed me and I both ran towards the crowd as the car was consumed in flames and blew up. I knew that the man didn't survive. Everyone knew.

On the paper is a picture of the car before it blew up, and in the corner I could see me running away. But that's not what intrigues me. No, it's the picture beside it that intrigues me. A picture of a man, with ocean blue eyes, a beautiful smile, and green floofy hair. I go to read the subtitles underneath the picture.

"Seán McLoughlin (Age 26) Dies In Car Crash"

So I'm a year older then him, or was. And he was the victim. He's the one I failed to save. I continue staring at the picture when I talk.

"Is this you?" I ask in a quiet voice, almost shy. I hear a quick "Mm-hm" from the voice, or Seán.

"You were still there when I woke up like this, dead. I recognized you, I knew you were the one who tried to save me. I wanted to find out some way to thank you. But I couldn't. I followed you, I've been haunting you, ever since that day. I've been there, I've always been there. But I couldn't do anything." He says it quietly, his voice ringing pleasantly in my ears.

"How can you talk to me now then?" I ask. He chuckles.

"Hell if I know. I just... Can." He says. I nod, and it's silent for a second. Until I think of another one of my questions.

"Why are you haunting me? Now I mean." I say. It's been a long time since the accident. Wouldn't he have wanted to move on? He sighs, and it's silent.

"In eleven months you really get to know someone. And I know you are kind, funny, smart, nice, generous, caring. And you're very handsome." I can't help but blush at his words. It's been a while since people have said things like this about me. "I couldn't help but fall in love with you."

And that's when my eyes widen, and everything freezes. A ghost... Someone named Seán McLoughlin, who I failed to save eleven months ago, loves me. This whole thing is supernatural. And there's one other thing that seems to tie in. I have to ask.

"Does that mean..." I gulp, afraid to ask. But I do anyways. "Are you the one that's been causing all those freak accidents the last two months?"

Seán chuckles. "Yeah. I mean, I want to be with you. I want us to be together. But I'm already dead, and there's no way I can come back to life. So you have to die for us to be together." He says. I shake my head slowly.

"Seán... I don't know you. And I don't want to die. I've got my subscribers, my family, my friends. I've got my channel, my conventions, my dog. I don't want to leave all of that." I say, completely flabbergasted. I'm sorry, he seems kind of cool, but I do not want to die.

"Mark I've seen you. You're miserable. You're always so sad here by yourself. The only time your happy is when you fake it for the videos and sometimes when it's genuine for your family and friends. Don't lie to me. I know you wouldn't mind it." Seán's mood seems to change drastically, going from happy and loving to serious and cold. I shake my head faster.

"No! I mean... Yes. I am sad being by myself all the time. But these guys love me and I love them. I don't want to leave them and I don't want to force them to go through that." I say, defending both myself and everyone who loves me. From the 14,000,000 subscribers to all my family and friends.

If I don't know better I would think I hear Seán crying next. But hey, anything's possible. I feel bad, making him cry. I don't blame him though. He did just get rejected, which I know has hurt me once or twice. Just... This is so drastic. And I don't want that. I don't know Seán. I don't care how much he knows about me. I do not want to give up everything to be with someone I don't know. Soon Seán dries his tears and speaks in a voice both sad, happy, and mischievous.

"Do you want to get to know me Mark?" He asks it softly. I shrug.

"Yeah. You seem cool. I just don't want to give up everything for something that may have no meaning to me." I say, trying to sound as nice as possible. And failing. Jack chuckles.

"I'm glad you want to know me. I'm happy about that." He says. I hear a creak, and I look up. My eyes widen and I see a huge crack in my ceiling. Drywall dust starts falling and the crack widens. I look around. My entire ceiling is cracked, and the door is to far away. "Sadly, there's only one way for you to do that."

And then it falls. My ceiling collapses, falling on top of me. The drywall first and then beam after beam. I can't help screaming in excruciating pain. It doesn't take long for my life to slowly drain, and just as everything turns black I hear one last thing from Seán.

"Now we can be together forever..."

A/N: So... Yeah... That happened. I got this idea this morning and I thought it'd be interesting to make Jack into a creepy ghost obsessed with Mark. So yeah! What'd you guys think of it? It's 2015 words. I'm proud. Hope you guys enjoyed! <3 =)

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