Chapter 1

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The cool autumn breeze swept across the brown and orange leaves as the noise of bikes whizzed by. "Catch me if you can!" A young boy yelled as he pedaled faster making his gray bomber jacket sway out behind him. "Of course I will!" Yelled another as they raced down their street, towards their homes close to Syll Creek Forest. "Jay come back!" The other boy yelled while Jay continued down the dirt path leading into the woods. Jay's eyes scanned the area around him as the trees grew denser blocking the sunlight. As he turned his blue gaze back to where he was riding, he swerved and fell off his bike scrapping his knee up. He hurriedly turned to what made him swerve, a dog? A bear? He didn't know, but it's cold menacing blue eyes were staring right into his. Jay jumped up and grabbed his bike, hopped on then pedaled as fast as he could back along the path. His heart was beating rapidly against his rib cage as his breathing got faster. "Max! Max where are you?" He yelled as he reached the end of the trail back on the main road. He got off his bike and fell down while holding his hand over his heart. "Hey what happened?" Max said as he rode his bike over to his friend. Jay couldn't speak his voice seemed to have vanished. "You were gone for a short while actually... Come on your mom's gonna be pissed if we miss dinner." He reached out his pale hand grabbing Jay's and lifted him up off the ground. Jay shook his head closing his eyes. "I guess my mind is playing tricks on me..." He muttered and grabbed his bike.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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