Day 8.

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Dumbledore looked into Lucius' soul with those beautiful eyes of his. The moonlight shown through the cracks of the old stupid building causing his eyes to be more blue than ever. So so so pretty. To Lucius' right he could hear a coo coo clock thingy going off. It was now a new day.

Lucius was in pure shock as Dumbledore tried to limp towards his lover man. The old corn-nub was in obvious pain, but there Lucius stood motionless like an idiot. Dumbledore was at least ten feet away from Lucius and joy consumed his thought to be sexy lean body, but before Dumbledore could move another inch Voldemort ran by and knocked Dumbledore to the floor.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!! 420 NO SCOPE YOU LOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEEEERRRRRR," the snake man said as Dumbledore fell to the ground. Lucius screamed like a banshee, and rushed to Dumbledore.

"Dude! Wtf?!" Lucius said calmly.

"Loooolzzzzz," Voldemort said laughing.

As Voldemort laughed for like an hour, Dumbledore started to stand back up and limp to Lucius, but of course he fell back down. What a loser. Lucius and Dumbledore locked eyes and they knew what they both had to do.

Lucius took a deep breath and walked to Voldemort. He looked like a snake. BecUs she was one.

" I surrender, Voldemort."

"Okay," he replied. Then, everything went black. Tragic.

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