Chapter 2

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Everything hurts, it's still black but I can hear voices. I feel something wet, it's rubbing the edges around my face and it's soft. My eyes flutter open and I see the pink ranger sitting next to me on a bed in some kinda cave. I don't react or anything, figures this would've happened eventually. But one thing I need to know, why the hell am I naked? There're covers on me but still, why? And why is she still wearing her suit? I know my identity's blown but damn, they're the ones that wanted to know who I am. "Why am I naked?"

"Oh," she said putting a small towel down, "Uh, your clothes are all dirty."

"I was wearing a suit, how'd they get dirty?"

"That's a good question actually. I think they're done anyway, so if you want I can go get them for you."


She stood up and walked away.

The red and blue rangers walked over, "You're up, good." the red said.

"That's a matter of opinion."

"Now you can answer our questions."

"As a prisoner and a victim of kidnapping, I'd like some demands to make my stay more comfortable until I break out of this place. Pinky's getting my clothes, because for some reason getting kidnapped wasn't enough and I had to be naked. But anyway, I'd like to know why you guys aren't showing your faces. I'm already exposed, fully, and you wanted to know who I am. So for this to work and to get answers I need faces."

He nodded, "Alright."

They backed up and I wiped my face. When I looked back they were out of their suits, Jason and Billy. Two more rangers walked over and took their suits off as well. "This is Zack, and Trini." Jason said.

"Hi there."

"And the mystery guy in the bed is Lance, me and Billy met him earlier in school."

The pink ranger walked over and dropped my clothes on the edge of the bed. She looked around and shrugged before taking her suit off. Kimberly, I knew it. I nodded and sat up keeping my arms over my crotch for obvious reasons, "Happy birthday." I muttered, "Mind letting me get dressed... please?"

They nodded and walked away. I pulled my clothes close and got dressed quickly wearing everything but my jacket. I looked down and saw my necklace was gone, "Oh no." I walked around through a weird looking hallway until I saw all of them surrounding some big circle glowing blue. "Where is it?" I asked.

Jason turned around, "What?"

"My necklace, that's what. Where is it?"

"Oh, we analyzed it." he said handing it to me, "Tommy Oliver."

I put my necklace on and rubbed the power coin, "What about him?"

I put my necklace on and rubbed the power coin, "What about him?"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"He's your father."

The others turned and looked at me like I had three heads, "Yeah, so what?"

A Ranger's LegacyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin