Chapter II: Cocky Wanker

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A visual of Anthony 'Toni' De Luca, portrayed by Diego Barrueco, shown above.


Saturday is my favorite day of the week. It's the one day I could devote my time into activities that a normal 20-year-old college student should be doing, which inclusively excludes every aspect of my career - if you could even call modeling that. Today I have the invisible 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging somewhere on my body, and Larissa knows this – calls regarding 'shoots' are forbidden for the day, no exceptions. So why in the hell is her caller ID on the screen of my phone, buzzing away despite my deliberate attempts at ignoring her calls? Doesn't she get the picture?

My guess is no, because seconds later she calls yet again, for the third time in the span of a minute. I let out a sigh and finally slide my thumb to the right, answering with hesitation. "Larissa," I deadpan.

I hear a 'tsk' from the other side of the line. "Finally! What took you so long?! Were you in the loo doing some business?"

"What? No. I was not taking a shit. I'm on PornHub, laying in bed with my laptop."

"You sick tosser," she seethes, bringing out the ring of her British accent, "TMI much!? Give your hand a break and find yourself a real man!" I can already envision her own hand performing angry gestures in the air, like she always does when words alone can't describe expression.

"Kidding. Larissa, I'm on Twitter," I assure, breaking her initial thoughts. She's quiet for a few moments.

"Oh. Right. Well, did I bother you?"

"Not really, I was kinda just browsing."

"Oh, then you've been ignoring my calls on purpose," she reprimands knowingly.

"Yep. It's Saturday - and you don't get to bother me with that British-y thing you do. I love you and all, but I need a break from you every once in a while, you know?"

"That's a lot of 'you's' in one sentence."

I sigh. "Whatever, save the lecture. You've blessed me with this unexpected phone call. So tell me, how could I be of assistance on this fine evening?"

"I'm just gonna ignore that nasty sarcasm of yours," she hums, "anyway, I have some good news to bear!"

"Oh? Okay, do tell."

"It's about that shoot I told you about-"

"Larissa," I whine, cutting her off, "I don't wanna talk about a shoot on Me-Day."

"Hear me out. It's about the LGBTQ sports shoot – for the Winter 2015/16 spread. I think I've found you a possible partner. And believe me when I say that he's the most perfect cup of tea!"

Her words ring through the phone, making me wince. "Larissa, you're yelling."

"Sorry, darling. But this guy – his name is Tobi, by the way – Tobi, works at The Grind next to your campus. You know, the cute little hipster cafe with the tacky chairs and nice lighting?"

"Yeah, I've been there a couple of times, but I don't think a 'Tobi' has ever served me my coffee."


I shut the Macbook sitting on my lap and place it beside me on the bed. "Well yeah," I admit while sliding out of the duvet, "I don't have a chance to visit too often. Besides, what were you even doing in there? Oh no, don't tell me you got one of those milky iced coffees again. Larissa, you're lactose."

"Don't worry, Toni, I got soy milk for myself and half-and-half for Katherine."

Okay, so her assistant Kat was with her, meaning they probably went their ways to hunt for handsome prey behind their tinted sunglasses. Procrastinating on the job yet again, I see.

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