Chapter Thirteen

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Ik what all that was, I just wasnt familiar with the term 'lemon' BUT I LAUGHED SO HARD ABOUT IT YOU GUYS WERE LIKE, "Ummmm... (insert someone here) HELP ME..." ..."UM LETS JUST SAY BABY MAKING... GO ASK YOUR PARENTS!" ITS A SPECIAL HUG..." 

Im 14 Ik what that is XD

Also I realized I probably rushed through the last chapter,  Im really bad at describing fight scenes and making them seem real.


Im obsessed with The Chainsmokers new song All We Know k 


\\(Skorm's POV)//

Wha....she just... holy greasy hippos that was fast what the heck... Skorm thought. He was stunned. She just killed the Phantom King. And only just after it looked like she broke all her ribs skidding on that ground and being just about crushed by that freaking phantom...

Skorm looked up with dazed eyes at the wolf standing over the phantom king. She dropped her jaw and the king fell back in his throne, dead as can be. Blood stained the fur around her lips, and dripped from her claws. She looked up at the rest of the phantoms, who were staring at her blankly. 

"Whos next?" the female growled. 

When the phantoms heard her utter those words, they all pushed each other over trying to get out the exit. A couple bonked into each other and fell down unconscious. 

Skorm watched the stupid black beasts as they flew out. The room became silent and drafty. The cobble floor was littered with tentacles and dead phantoms, a few had swords through the head from when the swords had fallen from the roof. The walls, once gray, were now red and purple. There were blasts around the room from where the electrical orbs of lightning hit. The whole room itself had Arctic Mist in it, but it almost felt... refreshing.


Skorm turned and looked at (Y/N). She gazed at him, her face deadpanned as if nothing had happened. He could see how she felt. Deep in her soul, he knew she was hurting.

"Can we go now?" 

The blue male nodded. "I'd love to get out of here. We've done... we've done our job..." And it was actually kinda easy... Weird? Maybe.

The two wolves walked out of the room, down the corridors, through the front gate, and outside. The phantoms were no where to be seen. The sky outside was dark, and full of stars. A full moon lit up the path in front. As they walked through the forest, the trees no longer seemed to be threatening. 


(Casual A/N: Okay so I just got done reading 'The Bad Boy and the Tomboy' and oh my gosh. That was an INCREDIBBLEEEE book! I definitely recommend reading it if you can handle cussing. Btw no super inapropro parts)

\\(Your POV)//

I just killed the Phantom King. One snap and he was gone. You and Skorm walked through the forest, the wind bristling your fur. It seemed too easy... was it? Or did I just become stronger with my anger.... What happened back there? You thought, your mind jumbled. One thought led to another, which led to another, and so on. Every thought led back to one, however. Was that really the Phantom King, or a hoax? You felt troubled as you dragged yourself through the forest. Everything had led up to that moment, the killing of the King... and it just... happened. So quickly, too quickly. You could sense the tension in the air, telling you Skorm had similar thoughts. You recognized he had been keeping his distance from you slightly, and that bothered you. 

Skorm x Reader //  War Can't SeparateWhere stories live. Discover now