Original Edition: Eshe| What the what?

Start from the beginning

"So, you're still going to see Shayne in Vegas, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it for anything. It'll be tight with the shoot, but I'd creatively scheduled things around it."

"Good. Because if you are, I was thinking we could coordinate our flights down together." Eshe smiled. "And did you see the message Shayne sent out this morning about us all flying to Madrid in the jet with her and her brother, Mateo after the match?"

"No, missed that one." Cait giggled darkly. "Oh wow, Isobel is gonna freak."

Eshe smiled at the image of their gorgeous and shy Sister turning all shades of red at thirty thousand feet in the air because of the Golden Prince. To say she had a bit of a crush was an understatement—though harmless. Isobel would never have dared betray Kyle as he had betrayed her. But now Kyle was no longer in the picture and, according to Priya, Isobel was already testing the single waters. The Code might say that family was off limits, but Eshe would bet on her cherished pair of Loubies that Shayne would be the first to encourage and push them together if Mateo didn't already have a fiancée.

Over the line Eshe heard the rustle of bedding and a gritty male voice, thick and brooding and heavily accented one she recognized immediately. He was a Londoner, after all. "Cait," she whispered, tucking her receipt into the back of her wallet. "Are you sleeping with Evan again?"

"Yup." She sniggered unapologetically and at Evan's soft reproach, those sniggers transformed into bawdy laughter and panting breaths of 'Stop, I'm ticklish'. Eshe's feet stilled on the pavement outside of Vanity salon, and listened to the playful exchange. Apparently, yes—they'd patched up their professional relationship, but Eshe could hear by the tone of Cait's voice that whatever was going on between them was evolving into something Cait wasn't known for: a relationship.

"Eshe," Cait called out, a little breathless, "are you still there?"

"Yeah, still here." Eshe smirked and fell back into step with the busy late afternoon London crowd. A pinging tone told her without needing to check that her older sister Lana was growing impatient.

"Good, because I've called with epic, amazeballs news."

"What's up?" Eshe rounded the corner and swung into the parking lot tucked behind the stretch of shops along the street and adjusted her phone from between her cheek and shoulder. Seeing her, Lana prodded the horn and waved her wrist with an impatient jerk of her arm.

"The shoot you did—the pictures, they're spectacular, doll."

Eshe's shoes skidded over pebbles and asphalt with each loitering step. This wasn't exactly a conversation she wanted to have in the passenger seat of her sister's car. "You've seen them?"

"Doll, they're brilliant. The editors at Vogue love you."

"Good. I'm glad I could help."

"Eshe, I don't think you understand what I'm saying. They love you. They want more. For you to be the face of Femminizer."

This time her knees did buckle and her phone clattered from her hand to the asphalt. A quick muttered curse and Eshe snatched it back up, relieved to see Cait was still on the line and her screen hadn't shattered. "Sh!t—sorry, I just..." A little dazed, Eshe blinked. "Me?"

Cait's laughed ended on a snort. "Yes, you! Seriously, are you that surprised?"

"I...I hadn't really thought too much about it. I guess..." A tentative smile split her lips but beneath her hand, Eshe's heart beat out of rhythm with fast, skittish knocks against her ribs. A cool drop of rain kissed her shoulder and somewhere in the distance her instincts squealed over her hair but at the moment she was entirely incapable of processing anything beyond this moment. "I mean—wow, I can't think straight. My head's spinning."

"Well, strap in daaahling, because it's going to get even crazier. I don't want to spoil all the juicy details as Thea—that's Althea Valois—wants you to come out to talk shop after we walk the red carpet at the upcoming Sailor Moon reboot."

"The...the..." Eyes crossed, Eshe nearly swooned. Sailor Scouts was a real life action flick featuring a lot of grit and ass kicking amazeballsness. Her fangirl heart almost exploded in her chest as she thought about the handmade Sailor Mars costume she'd slaved over eleven months to make for her first comic con five years ago.

The pleated short red skirt and trademark white blouse was wedged between the liquid latex Felicia Hardy ensemble and last year's midnight blue Danaerys Targaryn dress. Lana, barely five feet away, punched the horn and held it. Eshe didn't move. "When?"

"This coming Saturday."

Three short days away. Not a lot of time to plan or prepare when she usually budgeted at least a week to sort through, assess and try on varying outfit combinations. But if she dropped what she was doing now, spent the day catching up on laundry—she could have everything folded and washed for a selection process first thing tomorrow morning. If all else failed, a day of shopping in London sounded excellent. "Cool. I'll book my flights."

Cait snickered. "Already done, doll. Check your email."


Hello Sisters,

Here's a short update with Eshe and I hope you enjoyed this little moment with her. Have to admit, she tugs on my fangirl heart in a lot of ways with her obsession with Comic Con. I've always had the secret heart of a Cosplayer and always envied all those amazing, talented people how hand made the most INCREDIBLE costumes for these events.

They're truly works of art and really does make the franchise come alive.

And after imaging a real-life all female live action Sailor Moon reboot - I'm not convinced that this must become a real thing. Like NOW. I need that movie (or HBO show) in my life. Did anyone see that 15 min short film of the Power rangers and freak the eff out too??? I remember playing with the action figures at school during recess (I was always the Yellow ranger and had a MASSIVE crush on the Green ranger from the shows 'cause he was such a badass.)

Here's the clip and tell me a Sailor Moon version with the same kind of grit wouldn't be EPIC!!

I might need to write it ... 

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