Chapter 38: Imperial King

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         "What is it?" My sister gushed out in awe before I could even ask but at the same time, she just spared me the trouble of doing so.

           "It's a unisus. Yeah, a combination of a unicorn and a pegasus, that much is obvious. Only the imperial kingdom has it though. I'm surprised humans even know about pegasi and unicorns, though, they don't know that much." Said no other than the imperial prince who is my best friend. A unisus huh. Reminds me of the name Dionysus. The name of a wine god from the books on Percy Jackson if I'm not mistaken.

       "Lord Ishtar, a pleasure to see an old friend." Asher greeted after we had given our bows of curtsy and greetings while he in return bowed to the king of Idris and the two princes.

         "And who might this be? What happened to Lady Harumi?" Of all questions that he had to ask and of all names he had to mention why did it have to be her?. We sighed as a few face palmed, probably thinking,

      'How in the world does a mere subject not know his next king?'

        But we couldn't blame him though, Shingu as he himself explained was hidden from the knowledge of everyone until a week ago and adding the fact that he was only eight.

         Shingu who looked tired of the same question being asked from him whenever he meets other people gave an eye roll as he crossed his arms over his chest and chose to scan his eyes over his land.

         "Your next king." He shortly replied and thankfully, Lord Ishtar had easily understood and begged for his pardon while my best friend just waved his hand carelessly and uninterestedly while saying. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

         For someone who is a royalty, he sure doesn't care about appearances, proper manners and such, I can't believe someone like him is to be king for the unity of all kingdoms.

         "We have eight hours left to spare. You can have the six hours for yourselves if you choose to rest or to look around, at the remaining two hours, you shall go to the palace for the ball's preparations." Lord Azrael stated and we all shared a look.

        "I'll take my rest thank you." Leirum stated and flew next to Prince Janus and Prince Narsus who looked at each other before nodding to the first ranker.

         "Then I guess we'll be sight seeing then." Alfreed said with a sigh when Muriel pleaded her.

         "And by all means, I'll be going off with them. I'd like to delay my meeting with Lord Father, thank you very much." Shingu said and flew down after Muriel and Alfreed who were already descending towards the city. Why does he want to delay his meeting with his father?

        "Couldn't blame him." The king of Idris said with a shake of his head before Ishtar escorted him, the two prince's of Idris, Asher, Lord Azrael and the first ranker towards the palace while the rest of us followed after the three, Ryouta excitedly talking about the food he can get and Mikael shaking his head.

       I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited for our little tour.



       Alfreed sighed and shook her head with a smile as she watched Muriel running about the place and telling them how beautiful everything was. At this time, the fourth ranker looked like a little kid, but well, she looked cute though.

          As expected though, nobody in this place still doesn't know that along with the circle of twelve, they had no idea that they were looking at their next king though they were curious as to which kingdom Shingu belongs in with that golden hair of his. The imperial prince seem not to mind as he walked perfectly calm along with Rex and Kevin at either of his sides as we wove in crowds and looked at anything that would be worth buying for as a commemoration of our visit and...

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