"Real quick I can Nialler, then we've gotta go or we'll get our arses whipped."

"What? Where are we going?" I blurted, my heart missing a beat. I didn't have any memory of anything we had to do today, I thought that after the shoot this morning we were done. Apparently now we had something else, and I had a migraine, and it just w-

"Relax Ni, just H and I. We've gotta go do an interview in the city," Louis explained, chuckling at the way my stiffened back slumped when I learned that I didn't have to go anywhere. I was still a bit upset though, I wanted to curl up with someone, if not everyone, and they were both leaving.

 Harry slid a couple of tablets and a glass of water across the bench to me, "here Ni, and afterwards do yourself a favour and get some rest."

I wanted to ask when they'd be back but it took a bit to summon the energy and by the time the words were finally on the tip of my tongue Louis and Harry had disappeared out the front door, leaving me all alone.

I shakily slipped the pills into my mouth and swallowed them back with a couple of gulps of water. Thankfully Harry hadn't fulled the glass all the way to the top otherwise I definitely would've  spilled it everywhere.

I was just on my way back to my room, shuffling and tripping over nothing when I heard rustling and remembered Liam, and that I wasn't even alone. He was still somewhere in the house, probably in his room writing or napping.

Maybe he'd give me some company.

I trekked all the way there, trying to ignore the pounding in my skull. It was beginning to make me feel sick to be honest, like it or not.

The door was open so I stumbled right on in dizzily, one hand to my head and the other clinging on to everything and anything so that I wouldn't land on my face. The curtains were wide open and I had to resist shrinking away from the sunlight like a vampire.

"You look like a caged animal Niall, what are you up to?" Liam questioned with a raised eyebrow. He was sitting against the wall on his bed with his phone in his hand, screen lit up brightly. I winced.

I tried joining him on the bed, which apparently was the worst thing I could've done because Liam was not in the mood for broken glass.

On my way to his side I knocked his bedside table and the glass of water that had been sitting on it fell off the edge before hit the ground and smashing, creating a mess of glass and a large puddle.

 I just about cried right then and there. I just had to knock over the damn glass, it wasn't my day at all.

"Niall! Are you fucking serious?!" Liam exclaimed, jumping up to examine the crash site. His dark eyebrows appeared sewed together and his eyes were narrowed to slits. 

I backed away from the shards with my hands up apologetically.

"I didn't mean to Li, I'm just a bit-"

"What? A bit stupid?" Liam scoffed, bending over to pick up the glass. He sighed, "listen, I don't mean to be so harsh I'm just busy Ni, what do you need?"

Liam's POV:

I felt bad for yelling at Niall, the look on his face after I called him stupid was enough to make me feel awful about it, but I was doing something and he just came in like a storm and made a mess. A mess that he wasn't even bothering to help me clean up.

"Just company," he said softly, his hands knotted in front of him. He was rocking a little, back and forth and then over and over again.

"Please just go find Louis, or Harry, I'm really tired Ni and I just need some time."

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