Robin and the "Heart-to-Heart" conversation

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This is a disaster, heavy on the dis. Wally's my best friend and I let him run off to Gotham, ALONE! What kind of friend lets another friend go to one of the most dangerous city known to everyone? The worst part is, he was drugged by Harley, partner of the Joker that happens to be my mentor's arch-nemesis. Because of me, because of Gotham, my best friend's in a wheelchair until further notice.

I asked him about what had happened when he was at Gotham that day, all I got from him was "I went to that park that we used to go a lot, then saw that Danny's Diner was open and thought that it might be clown week, turns out it wasn't. But I was really hungry so I ate the usual, drank some nasty soda and came back to the cave." I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses and asked him about the waitress that brought the food. "In her twenties, light blond hair that was in a bun, light blue eyes, weird accent, her name was…. Harley."

I did my best on not showing my emotions when I heard that name. Don't get me wrong, I was shocked to hear that name! I knew it was Harley Quinn as soon as he said it, but since he's not allowed to know too much stuff about our baddies (Wally likes to call it a "Paranoid Daddy-Bats Syndrome" or PDBS for short. In my case it's PMBS or "Paranoid Mini-Bats Syndrome") so all he knows about is Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, and the Riddler. But not Harley Quinn.

"Wally, why did you go to Gotham without me?"

"Uh… well you always say that you're not in the mood. So I went by myself."


"Dude, I'm fine."

"No, you're not! For crying out loud Wally, you're in a wheelchair! You're barely sleeping from the looks of it and the worst part is, you won't even tell me what's bothering you! Don't you trust me?"

He gave me a pained look. His bright green eyes were filled with shock and sadness, oh god I hate that look. "Of course I trust you Rob, it's just that I don't wanna worry you guys. Especially you!" he said the last part in a lower voice, like a whisper. And in my head, I'm mentally slapping myself for putting him under all that pressure I was giving.

Funny thing is, this all happened in his room while I was helping him put on some pajamas -which is just some clean pair of sweatpants we could find- while Superboy sits in the living room waiting to be called for help. Despite all the food he eats, Wally is pretty light for a boy his age but still heavy for me to carry by myself.

Now I'm sitting in the bio-ship with the others on our way to the given destination point for our new mission. Without KF. It was weird not having him around with us, it's too quiet without him talking about his civilian life or the fight he had with some rouge in Central City while working with his mentor. He was always optimistic about most stuff, always laughing, telling a joke, flirting with Miss M, trying to make Superboy laugh, arguing with Artemis, always there for us in battle when we need help.

He kept us from going insane, come to think about it, he is the reason why we're always sane. And right now I feel like it's my entire fault that he's in a wheelchair.

Harley Quinn is going to pay for what she did to my best friend.

A/N: Short? Yes. Am I satisfied? Not sure. That's all I got for this chapter and not sure if I like it or not… I'm sure that Robin's OOC and I'm sure there isn't any PDBS or PMBS in this world 'cause I just made it up.

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