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Eeeeehhhhh.....Hiya. So.....I have something to say....?

Ladies, gentlemen, torches and pitchforks. I am sad to inform you that I, self-proclaimed professional napper, have absotively posolutely no flippin idea on how to continue this story. I don't remember how I was going to make this go on.

I'm actually leaning on starting this blasted thing from the beginning again. Make it work, ya know?

So it would be much appreciated if all of you readers that actually like this story to help a buddy out.

Because if not, I'm gonna just make him lose his legs FOREVER.

P.S. Thank you for being so supportive of this story. It makes me happy.

P.P.S. I actually have another account on here that would eventually be filled with cruddy stories of mine. If I actually attempt to write, that is. I have writer's block.

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