How it happened.

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It was a nice day, the gentle breeze blew by and making him glad that he was wearing a tank top and shorts, he was really enjoying this.

He had arrived in Gotham just a minute ago, just to stay away from HQ and the possible arguing with Artemis. As he walked pass many people and stores, his mind had drifted into old memories of his adventure that happened in this in this city. How he met Batman and Robin, the race he had with Robin to see who was faster (Robin was riding his bike), how the two friends played catch with a baseball that they had found. He had just arrived at that same park, Gray stone Park, and remembering how he laughed at the similarities of the park and Robin's last name, Grayson.

He also remembered how Robin was mad when he sneaked in to Gotham Academy just to bug the crap out of him "Good times, good times." That's the only thing he can say to all of this. Because indeed, the memories that brought him here.

As he walked through the park, he saw a the sign of a familiar break stop, Danny's Diner.

"They still have that place open! I could go for some hamburgers right now...if I'm lucky it might be clown week!" he lightly jogged his way past the park, then entered the diner with a big grin spread across his face, as the smell of food overwhelmed him. He took a seat in the corner by the window, after a couple of minuets a waitress, about in her mid twenty's with light blue eyes and light blond hair that was put in a bun came to him.

"Hi ya! My name is Harley and I'll be your waitress for the day."

"Well I think that just made my day, beautiful."

"Thank you sweetie, but I'm already taken. His name is Mista Jay and he's the most wonderful man I ever met. So what do you want?" as she asked, she held up a pencil and a note pad to write down the order.

"I'll have the cheeseburger combo with a large cup of Coke."

She raised a eyebrow, which wasn't a surprised that she did so because it was a big meal and most teenagers don't usually order it."You sure? That's a lot of food."

He patted his stomach with a grin"I have high metabolism, so I'm sure I can handle it." His grin turned into a smile as she smiled and nodded, trying to so that she understands.

-Couple of minutes later-

The food finally came; the smell of it relaxed him because it meant that he could finally stop his stomach from eating itself. A sigh of relief escaped as Harley was setting the plates down, careful not to drop it.

"Here ya go sweetie, do you need anything else?"

"I would say 'your number' but since you're already taken I'd say I'm good. Thank you, beautiful."

She gave him a kind smile and walked away, replacing the smile with an evil smirk. "That'll show daddy Bats."

He finally finished eating his food; all that was left was his soda. With a big gulp of the beverage, he noticed that it tasted a little bit slimy but still finished it off with satisfaction. He felt a little bit sick as pain ran through his body "This isn't good, I think I should ask the others if this is normal after a meal like this." He got up and left a five dollar tip and went to the cash register to pay. While the lady was working on it, Harley came out of the kitchen. She noticed Wally and gave him a smile and a small wave of the hand, Wally did the same thing but with a bigger smile and left the diner with a light jog until he was out of human sight. He took in a deep breath and used his super speed to travel back to Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. Home of the Young Justice.

A/N: Yeah, this is a filler, Just thought it would be good to let you guys know what happened to Wally. Next chapter will continue off of Ch 2. Please for the love of all that's purw and innocent! If you're going to read, leave a simple comment telling me if you like it or not!

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