Ch. 19 ~His Maiden, Leaves~

Start from the beginning

Mystery watched him walk off then returned to her room. After she closed her door, she looked around, looking at for the last time. She remembered when she lost her memory, and Ciel and Sebastian came to her rescue, and then she found herself here. The mansion was once and is her home. She didn't think she would be leaving it. Her memories of being here popped in here head. Elizabeth's ball, meeting Lau, Madame Red, Soma, Agni, working with the servants, finding her true self to be Ciel's sister, spending time with Pluto when he was alive, being out in the garden, being in the woods, that time when she turned into a cat, and going into town, seeing Undertaker, Evangeline, even Grell. Even the stories of her servant friends. Bard being s soldier that fought in the war, Finny being an experiment, and Mey-Rin being a sniper.

Mystery walked around her room tracing her had over her desk, walls, and her bed. Mystery's fingers traced the rose petals. The same rose a long time ago, Sebastian gave to her. It was still alive and well just like since that day it was given to her. She decided to leave it behind, at least it would bring life and beauty to the room. Mystery walked near her bed and crouched down and pulled the doll underneath her bed. She had this doll when she was little and remembered finding it the ruins that was once part of the mansion during the time she lost her memory. Mystery traced her thumb over as she held it. She was thinking to bringing it or not. 

As her answer, she softly placed the doll down on top of her pillows. Mystery glanced outside the open window. The day was going by quicker. It was a few days since she, Sebastian, and Ciel returned home. But then they needed to leave, so the others wouldn't be suspicious about Mystery and Ciel not aging. Mystery really didn't want to leave, but... it was the only option. Mystery looked at herself in the mirror and saw her eyes glow for a minute then slowly dim. She looked at her hands and her fingernails were now painted black, just like Ciel's and Sebastian's. 

Mystery heard a knock on her door. "Yes?" she said and the door opened and the servants came in. "Hey, guys..." Mystery said as she saw their sad faces. "Hey..." Bard said. "Mystery... do you, Sebastian, and the young master have to leave?" Finny asked sadly. "I'm afraid so, even if I don't want to leave. After all this is my home I spent years finding it when I didn't know who I was..." Mystery said as the servants looked at her sadly. It was silent between all of them. Mystery glanced at her folded red cloak that was on her bed. 

"Mystery?" Finny asked, making Mystery look at them. "We wanted to show you something before you left. And we think you deserve to see it, yes" Mey-Rin said. Mystery agreed and the three servants led Mystery out of her room. The whole time she followed them in silence. They stopped at a door and Bard opened the door for her. Finny and Mey-Rin led Mystery in a dark room that was filled with old antiques, furniture, clothes, and other old belongings. The servants and Mystery now stood in front of something big and covered. Bard and Finny pulled the cloth off and it was a portrait, the portrait that once hung in the front room that Ciel ordered to be taken down. 

Mystery stared at it. "Remember when you asked me about the portrait?" Mey-Rin asked and Mystery nodded. "This is the portrait." she said. Mystery saw that it was her mother sitting in a chair while her father stood next to her. "So, you wanted me to see a picture of my mother and father?" Mystery asked. "Well, that's part of it," Bard said smiling a bit. "See, ever since we worked here, it was just a picture of the two of them" Finny said. "Yeah, and recently we came back in here to put more unneeded stuff in here and we saw the portrait and it was different. There was another certain person there" Bard said. Mystery studied the picture until she finally saw a small child sitting in her mother's lap, with her arms lovingly holding the child. The child was happy. "That's me..." Mystery muttered and the servants nodded. 

~The Maiden in Red~{Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji II}(Red Hood Diaries 2/3)Where stories live. Discover now