Hi, I'm Penn...

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None of you know me, at least not in person... All but one of you. You were the only one to help me through many tough times but now that we aren't close by anymore we've drifted and I hate it... More about that later. Anyway, Hi, I'm Penn. I was born in a smallish town where nothing ever happens, to a mom and a dad. My mom and dad were perfect at least in my eyes. My sister was born three years later. My mom got post-pardom depression after having her. This caused a lot if conflict. Long story short my mom and dad split. I was left with my elderly great-grandma and newborn sister. (My dad was still there, but always depressed and tired or working) Not to long after my dad met this lady from California that had a son. I was so excited to have a brother! I was very wrong. This woman ended up being extremely abusive to my sister and I. (Mostly verbally and emotionally) Her and my dad got bad into drugs after my little brother was born. I was the only parent to my siblings. I was everyone's shield to hid the drugs. For this though, it required me to get emotionally destroyed. After finding my great-grandma's dead body in her bed when I was eight, ruined me even more. My parents continued with drugs, buying, selling, using. I tried to call for help but no one listened. Until I found my one friend reading this she helped me, mostly without realizing. Thank you. We (my siblings and I) ended up moving in with my grandma. I thought everything was going to get better... I couldn't have been more wrong. (If any of this sounds familiar it is because I wrote a book in early Febuary. The next day I found out my mom had hung herself. She was drunk and we think it was a mistake but idk. I felt so guilty that I deleted the book and haven't wrote in awhile. Sorry) After my mom died I was an absolute wreck. I got couniling which made a lot better. I started highschool in a different town than I originally planned, which I wish I could go to the one I wanted but oh well. I miss all my old friends from everywhere. This brings us to present day... More chapters to come....
Thanks for reading!
See you soon,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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